Believing that We Belong

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6 Years Later

The party was now in full swing, everyone laughing, drinking, clinking glasses and toasting the graduate they were there to celebrate. Connor Murphy, 24, and a Graduate of the State University of New York. He already even had his first teaching job lined up, and Evan couldn't be prouder of him. His boyfriend, his soulmate, and unbeknownst to most around them, soon to be his husband.

"Connor, are you really sure we should be doing this? I mean-"

"Evan, if you hadn't told me a million times how much you wanted to marry me, I would think you're getting cold feet." Connor was sporting a smile on his face and a drink in his hand. Evan looked at it pointedly. "Shut up, you know this is my first of the day, and I'm going to wait until toasts later to have another, I'm being responsible, I promise."

"I'm not getting cold feet. I'm just not sure about all these people." Connor's family, extended and close filled the room, as well as their college friends, the few they had branched out to make, but had made nonetheless, and even Evan's dad had showed up, saying something about it not being right to not attend his future son in law's graduation party. Evan hadn't been sure about inviting him at first, but Connor had made the argument that it was their secret wedding, and his dad should be there, even if he never saw him again.

And of course, through the crowd he could see his mother's halo of blonde hair, and Zoe Jared and Alana with her. Cynthia was in the kitchen, Evan knew, and Larry was in the doorway, talking to some relative. "Just, springing it on them seems wrong-"

Connor dipped down to meet Evan's lips, and Evan barely startled at that anymore. It was just who Connor was, and it was something he'd become accustomed to, even comfortable with. "It isn't about them. It's about us. Now, please be truthful. You want this, right?"

"More than anything." Evan had never been more sure of anything in his life.

Connor grinned and there was a moment of silence between them, where that excitement grew, and grew and-

"I can't believe we're doing this!" Evan whispered.

"I can. I just can't believe it's taken us so long." Connor replied, his smile never wavering.

"Were not rushing into this, right? I mean we're only 24-"

"Ev, sweetheart, we're soulmates. We're gonna be together forever. If the worst we could do to ourselves is get married a little early then we're invincible."

And Connor offered him his arm. "It's 3:00pm. It's time."

Evan grinned and took his boyfriend's- fiance's- soon-to-be husband's hand, and climbed the stairs to the landing, to commit to a future together.

"Hey," Zoe said, squinting up at the landing. "Isn't that the officiant from Cousin Kelsey's wedding? What's he doing here?"

Alana's eyes widened. "He's marrying Evan and Connor."

"Oh, sure, haha, 'Lana, but seriously, what's he doing he-"

Alana grabbed Zoe's shoulder and turned her so she was looking properly at the scene before them. "He's marrying Evan and Connor."

The officiant stood in front of Evan and Connor, who seemed to be giddily speaking, holding hands, looking at each other like people who were only now glimpsing the stars. Zoe distantly heard her mother gasp, and saw Jared narrowly avoid spitting his drink down his front and over Rachael, who was smiling in a suspiciously knowing manner.

There was a glint as rings were exchanged, and 'I do's' were said, and the whole room went silent as the officiant said 'You may kiss the groom'. And then Evan turned to Connor, just barely holding it together, she thought she saw tears in his eyes - though they were happy tears - his mouth turned upwards. And where Evan was barely holding it together, Connor was on cloud nine, all grins, and suppressed laughter.

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