Books, books, books and books;
And everywhere he or she looks.
Probably in corners and every nooks;
And also used by teachers, doctors and cooks.
They are not harmful, but are helpful.
And in every way, they are useful.
If about it you are very careful,
You will become quite powerful.
They are the best of resources,
To do any classes or courses;
Or to join army or naval forces,
And indeed to help train horses.
There are books which are bad and good.
Indeed they are generations of wood.
They always make our daily mood,
Either bad, good or very, very good.
You can buy them or read them online.
They are just fine or super fine.
And I wish they are all mine;
Coz they are so addictive as wine...
They are of poetry, drama, prose and fiction.
You'll for sure attain your mission;
By going for college, school and tuition.
Btw, I am going to finish today's session..
24 lines, I have made this,
And if this poem you find interesting, bros and sis;
Comment and vote on this please.
Next poem to write I'll probably not miss.......
From The Pit Of My Stomach
ПоэзияJust some words and feelings I get and feel when I start thinking about myself and my environment.. The words that come to my brain when I'm bored.. Hope you guys will like it.. Cuz it's not like poetry at all, but I guarantee it's poetry, okie...