Adopting you

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Logan's pov (befor the adoption day)
I was on my way to see Jeff my manager he said we have to talk is urgent,as I got there I see Jeff standing there looking at his watch he look up and see me walking towers "Ok good your here let's talk in my office now" he look serious, we go to his office as I sit down he started talking "you need to adopt a child" "WHAT WHY???!!!" I said "Logan I think it's time to take it next level" Jeff says calm "I CAN DO IT DIFFERENTLY!!!" I shout surprisedly "but I want you to do it this way and no more complains" Jeff said seriously "Jeff I can't even take care of myself,who am I suppose to take care of a living thing" I said "you take care of maverick and Kong don't you" Jeff says "yeah but-" "you are adopting a girl 12-16 and that's is" Jeff said annoyed, I didn't said anything I just stand up and walk out I walk to my car angrily and drive to my apartment,ounce I got there I walk to my room I laid on my bed, I just need time to think of what Jeff want me to do, I walk out and go to my computer I search up some orphanages I came to one that sound good so I made an appointment for tomorrow
I wonder how this is going to turn out

Back to normal
Ashley pov
We were in the room for adoption there was a man standing next to ms.nelson,I can tell ms.nelson have a fake smile on her face
After a while the man spot me and walk up to me
"Hi my name is Logan"
"So...what's your name?"
"Ashley" I said shyly
"Ok" he walks away, I look down
That's how I know I'm not getting adopted

Logan's pov
I look back and see her looking down,man that was so rude of me, she looks like she needs help and I will love to be the one who helps her

Ashley pov (sorry if I keep on switching the pov's)
We got to the room and Lesley was so happy and excited for me  "your luck the man didn't even came up to me" she look sad but happy for me
"I don't think I'm getting adopted tho Lesly"  I said blushing
"Asley meting awopted" Lissa said trying not to cry
"I don't know Lissa but if I do I always want you and all of ya for not forget me,and I won't forget ya ether" I didn't notice but every one was crying

~small time skip~

I heard a knock on the door every one was sleeping so I got it,I see ms.nelson standing in the door way "get your stuff bitch your getting adopted" she said

I don't know how to feel about this

Hey loves❤️❤️❤️thanks for reading the next chapter will be out soon maybe tomorrow or later today

Adopted by Logan Paul {a Logan Paul fan fic} {completed}Where stories live. Discover now