He needs to know

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I cried in his shoulder "is ok baby girl.......is ok" he sigh,I calm down,after a few minutes Logan gasp "oh shit" he slap his forehead "come on let's go Ashely I have to do a vlog with Jake and team 10 today at 12:30" he said getting out my room..........well I guess the vlogging life is important to him.......I just went form casual girl to about to be famous girl.

Anyways we arrive at the team 10 house,Logan grab my shoulder and said "Anthony (sorry if I spelled it wrong I'm not much a Jake Pauler.......well actually I'm not even a Jake pauler) is staying with you" he said,I just nodded

~small time skip~

Logan,Jake and team 10 just left,I'm in the couch with Anthony "so.....Ashley tell me something about your self"
He said awkward "I'm ugly" I said
"Your not what make you think that" he said/ask
"Well I didn't have much friends in the orphanage,mostly everyone make fun of me and call me names and all that kind of stuff you know" I said "oh..."he said
Awkward silence past some minutes,then Anthony speak up again,I crossed my fingers and hope he doesn't ask about my family "so what happen to your parents??" He ask,great all that I needed "*sigh* it happen like this"
(Ya read it in the past chapter why to write it again)
"Oh" he said,while some awkward silence I had time to think

'Now that I realize why didn't I run even tho I was tired'
'Why in earth I didn't run to the police station'

All the thought got me stress
"Anthony were if the bathroom" I ask
"Oh you can use mine come I will show you" he said
We walk up stairs to his room
"There it is....I will leave you here, I will be down stairs" he said
As he leaves I close the door and search for something sharp, I found a razor......this will work
I place the razor on my wrist and slice it 8 times
(You may not want to know the reasons)
I cleaned my self up and walk down stairs

~small time skip about 60 seconds past~

I was on the couch while Anthony on the kitchen I totally forgot about my fresh cuts that I laid down on top of my arm "oww" I cried "are you ok Ashely" Anthony ask as he walk to the couch, I could see my sleeve getting wet "yes" I said
I try to cover it but I accidentally touch my wrist and cried a little "Ashley your not ok let me help" he said "no you can't......nothing or no one can" I said "let me see" he commands,I refuse "fine then" he said grabbing my wrist "what's this" he ask "nothing" I said
"Ok then your choice" he said as he rolled my sleeve up "Ashley...." he gasp

Anthony  pov
I saw 8 FRESH CUTS and more than 100 dry cuts "Ashley...." I gasped "there now you know Anthony" she said "you realize I have to tell Logan" I said

Finally chapter 21 done,thx loves for the support
Bye and

(Bob:No seriously this getting old)
(A/n:*rolls eyes* *sigh* yes Bob)
(A/n: ok that's enough)


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