Not the only hispanic

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So some of ya people wanted the Martinez twins in the story so here's a chapter with them in it

~next day~

So we decided to finish the video the next day after tomorrow cause we all ready had a lot of work to do yesterday. Any ways I was in my room when I hear the door slam shot and hear familiar voices, I walk out my room and walk to the living room and see, Ethan,Grayson,Veronica,Vanessa,And other twins I have never seen. "Hey?" I said "Ashley.hey!!!" Vanessa came and hug me so did Veronica. "So we where wondering if you will like to hang around with us Ashley" Grayson ask "dad..??" "Sure why not" "Thanks a lot" I said I run back and change

??" "Sure why not" "Thanks a lot" I said I run back and change

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I walk back and we left

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I walk back and we left.

In the car ride Ethan introduce me to the twins
"Ashley this is Emilio and Ivan Martinez" he said
For some hours of them talking I heard Emilio said
"Damn que hermosa"
"Que hermosa? No mas bien que chula" Ivan said
"Lo lamento pero no son los unicos que ablan español ahora" I said
"Oh man so you heard what we said and you understood" Emilio ask
"Si Emilio" I said
"Ok then guys if ya are finish let's go" Ethan said
I can't wait and hang out with twins all day!!!

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