Starting her on vlogging channel

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Logan pov
It had pass 4 week which meant a moth pass and Ashley finally is getting out of that hospital

Any way I got some clothes for her and drive to the hospital
I walk to her room,I open the door and see her standing up looking out the window
"Hey babygirl"
She turns around
"Dad you finally hear"
"Yes of course baby girl her get change and let's wait for the doctor he said he has something to give me"
"Ok be right back"
She walk to the restroom and change

Ashley pov
I change and walk out to see the doctor giving dad some medication I took while I was here
"Ok let's go"
We walk out and ride home
Sorting the whole car ride dad ask me questions of course I respond them
Back in the house dad started to vlog
"Aye yo Logan what's popping?"
"My popcorns in the microwave" I yelled
"Oh by the way guys guess how's back"
"ASHLEY PAUL!!!!!!!!" I yelled
Back run to me and hug me
I just stood there like
'Ok that's enough'
Dad just kept on vlogging
That when it hit me
"Ah yo dad I'm going to the store"
"Ok!!!" Dad screamed
(Forgot to say dad teach me how to drive)
I got in the yeti and drive to an electronic store
Then I came out with a vlogging camera and all of that shit
Then I walk back to the yeti and do all the bull shit to turn the camera on
Then I started
"Hello ya...a lot of you people may know me and some of you no so let me introduce myself"
I clear my throat
"I'm Ashley Paul,if ya have seen Logan paul ya will know me if ya don't hello I am Logan paul daughter how are ya"
"Any ways this is my first time vlogging so let's just do some bull shit...who in...oh well ya have no choice"
I said starting the yeti
After driving like crazy around L.A. And talking to the camera I finally decide to home
"Ok fam we going back home"
I drove back and then walk in the house
"Hey dad I'm here" I screamed
"Ok we in the back yard"
I giggle and point the camera to my face
"Let see his reaction"
I walk to the back yard he chasing kong not noticing me but Brandon did
"Aye you Logan look what your daughter brought"
Brandon called
"What up bran..." dad look at me and then at the camera
"Where the fuck did that came from Ashley?"
"A store"
"Yo Brandon....SHE A FUCKING SAVAGE!!!" Dad yelled
"See logang I adopted a savage"
"Any ways is that shit even on"
"Holly shit"
I giggle
"Sure dad u just need help on editing"
"Sure why not"
We spent the day vlogging then dad show me how to do all that editing

Adopted by Logan Paul {a Logan Paul fan fic} {completed}Where stories live. Discover now