She is not okay!!!!

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I run all the way to her room "ASHLEY!!!" I yell as I found her room
I walk in and see her asleep
I walk closer and lean in to kiss her forehead with my eyes close but I felt arm around me I open my eyes and see Ashley hugging me
"Hey babygirl" I said crying
"Hey dad"
"Thank goodness you are didn't di- never mind, but still thank goodness"
"Haha"she giggle
We broke the hug as soon the boys walk in
"Ashley you alright" Daniel came in crying
"Why do you even care you like other girl" Ashley said
"What Daniel" I ask mad
"Look it wasn't like that that girl just walk up to and kiss me please ashley you're the only that I love"

Ashley pov
Daniel said
"Ok then Daniel I understand" I said
"So boyfriend and girlfriend?"
"I said I understood not that I clearly take it and we are back together" I snapped back
"Oh ok" Daniel said heartbroken
"Look Daniel sorry that I snapped back is just that I had enough of the hate an what I have seen today"
"Is ok"
Soon the doctor comes in
"Well mr.paul Ashely is in good condition you may take her now"
"Ok then But is too early to release her"
"Well I She is pretty much in good condition so you may take her"
"Ok thanks doc"
Dad said
The doctor nodded
"Jonah,Corbyn will you go to the house and bring Ashley some clothes" dad said
The nodded and left
A couple of minutes the boys came in with a thin hoodie  and some shorts

paul Ashely is in good condition you may take her now""Ok then But is too early to release her" "Well I She is pretty much in good condition so you may take her" "Ok thanks doc" Dad said The doctor nodded "Jonah,Corbyn will you go to the house and...

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I change and we walk out the hospital

~ next day ~

Logan pov
It was pass 1:00 pm and Ashley haven't woke up,she always wake up like at 8:00 am,I walk to her room and knocked
"Babygirl are you awake"
I walk in and see Ashley all pale,and didn't hear her breathing
"What happen??"
I hear Evan and Brandon coming upstairs
"Call 911!!!!" I yell
"On it" Brandon screamed

~few minuet later~

"I don't have time for this bull shit"
I picked up Ashley and run down stairs
Put her in the jets and drive like crazy to the hospital

I rush her inside and called the doctor
"Mr.paul what wrong"
"Ashley again!!!"
"Ok we will check her"
"Thanks doc"
Nurses took Ashley in a room
And I just sat down impatiently

~few minutes~

The doctor comes back with Ashley in his arms still  all pale
"Mr.paul we all ready told you she is in good condition, she is ok" doctor Masson said
I walk closer and listen to Ashley she wasn't breading
"THIS HOSPITAL IS A PICE OF SHIT!!!" I said and grab Ashley and run back to the yeti and took her to a good hospital

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