I thought you love me!!

693 16 10

I cried and cried
I realize dad wasn't here...so I walk in to the bathroom and slice my wrist

8 for being ugly
3 for the hate
4 for my horrible life
9 for being a life again

I wash up my wrist and walk out
I cried myself to sleep

~next day~
I woke up to the sound of dad yelling
"Ashley let's go we have 20 minutes"
"I barely woke up dad"
"What you want me to do"
"Change we are going to the park I need to meet Jeff there"
Me and dad yell to each other him from down stairs and me from upstairs
I change in to this

~next day~ I woke up to the sound of dad yelling "Ashley let's go we have 20 minutes" "I barely woke up dad" "WHAT!?" "What you want me to do" "Change we are going to the park I need to meet Jeff there" "Ok" Me and dad yell to each other him from ...

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~at the park~
I was walking around while dad and Jeff talk and Brandon...well I don't even know where the fuck is Brandon
Any ways I was walking around just following the track when I notice a familiar face
I walk closer and see.......

I just grew of anger that I run to them push the girl away and slap Daniel
"So your that slut Ashley" the girl said
"You....you shut the fuck up because you have already did a lot by the comments and this" I cried
"Ashley listen"
"No I have heard and seen a lot"
I said
I was about to slap him but I felt so weak I just run to no where.

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