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(They are still in the amusement park)
Ashley pov
Me and Daniel were walking around and playing games,Daniel won giant panda and give it to me

(Yes I know it look little but it's giant irl) "No Daniel it's yours,you won it" I said hanging it to him "No it's ok I have a lot of those giant bears" he said "Are you sure?"I ask "I have never been so sure" he said "Ok then this is my birthday ...

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(Yes I know it look little but it's giant irl)
"No Daniel it's yours,you won it" I said hanging it to him
"No it's ok I have a lot of those giant bears" he said
"Are you sure?"I ask
"I have never been so sure" he said
"Ok then this is my birthday present from you" I said looking down at the panda
"Cool" "wait WHAT?" He said surprise
"Yeah"I said looking at him
"Is it today!?!?" He said
"No it's tomorrow" I said
"And today is when my parents dye" I said looking down with tears rolling down my cheeks
"Oh Ashley!"Daniel said hugging me

We walk around and buy food and play more games
After a while we found everyone with fans then they saw Daniel they just run up to him and bumping in to me and ignoring me,I just stood there and fake smile "Logang ya are the first one to meet my perfect daughter Ashley Paul" Logan walk up to me,lots of boys just stare at me, some girls glare at me,but mostly a lot of them loved me and hugged me,one even ask me
"Why where you with Daniel?" Which of course it was a girl,
I just answer with a very simple question
"We are best friends" I said
A little while all of us where with fans,the boys where with there fans,Dad was with his fans ,Christina,Aztlána,and Emma are bff and famous there where with there fans,and I was with some fans just a little group,I got a lot of questions and comments such like:
"How is it to be Logan's daughter"
"Why where you with Daniel"
"You are amazing"
"What's your full name"
"Can you sign my phone case"
"Is soooo cool meting you"
Of course I answer them all,and some people where taking pictures

Finally it was time for us to leave
We were in the same spot as the beginning
"Have you ever going to tell Logan tomorrow is you birthday" Daniel whisper on my ear
"I don't know"'I said
"Ok then" he said
"Hey Logan did you know tomorrow is Ashley birthday" he said loud enough so every one could hear
"WHAT!?" Dad said in surprise
"It's true dad" I said
"Why didn't you told me" dad said
"I don't know" I mumble
"Nice are ya having a party" Jonah said
"What's!?" I ask,yeah it's true I don't know what a party is.
Every one stared shocked at me "WHAT!?" Zach said
"Yeah I don't know what party means or what it is" I said
"Oh simple it's a.....ummmm......" Corbyn tried to remember "oh sheep I don't know how to explain it" he joked "well never mind that,and Jonah I have no idea if we making a party.......maybe we will decorate the apartments with balloons and streamers and just by pizza and a cake" dad said "let's not exaggerate with a big ass party,let's just show Ashley tomorrow for her birthday" "ok then" Jonah said
We drives all the way to the apartments and drop me and dad off.
Once we got to the apartment I walk to my room and laid on my bed,I felt my eyes get heavier,so I slept with my giant panda that Daniel gave me

Hey loves,SO chapter 26 is done the next chapter will may be tomorrow or during the weekend or the weekdays,any ways thx for keeping up,
Bye and

Peace ❤️❤️😂😛😘😍😅🌮🤣😎🤓😱🤤😹

(I'm weird😹😹)

Adopted by Logan Paul {a Logan Paul fan fic} {completed}Where stories live. Discover now