chapter 14

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chapter 14


today is a new day. Last night i totally forgot about the names. Its like dance is my escape.


i opened my locker and saw kendall. we made contact and i waved. she rolled her eyes and looked away. i then started getting ready for math class. i grabbed all my books and headed towards the class room. as i walked in i saw people judging me and laughing. i ignored them and sat down. i heard one of my classmates whsisper to someone

"hey look is chip girrll..."

then i saw them both look at me.


then lunch time rolled around. i walked to the lunch room and sat at Nia and I's table. then i saw a girl walk up to our table. i reconized her from dance last night. she had bleach blonde hair.

"hi! my names Paige, can i sit with you?"

"sure! im Mackenzie, and Nia is coming."

"i reconized you from dance last night and i wanted to get to know you better." she smiled

"ok! well stay as long as you like." i beamed.

Nia walked up to the table with a smile on her face.

"hey Nia Paige is sitting with us today." i smiled

"yay paige!"


i walked home today. i wanted to just realx and walk around thinking. today wasnt all that bad. i made a new friend. on the bad side they still call me names.

by the time i got home my mom was already there.

"where were you Kenz?"

"i walked home."

"becuase i wanted to think"


"i was wondering.. can i start dance?"

"why? since when do you dance?"

"well Nia took me last night. im really good. i like it a lot too. can i please dance there and do  competition team?" i begged

"I have to think about it."

i grabbed a gronola bar. im not going to eat anymore chips, becuase i dont want to be named anymore.i walked up to my room to "work" on my homework. i grabbed my phone and texted Nia.

-hey i asked my mom to sign me up to dance there!-

~awesome what did she say?~

-she said she had to think about it :(-

~well i cant wait for the answer~

-hey do you have dance tonight?-

~yeah! want to come with?~

-sure can you bring me some clothes?-

~yup! pick you up around 4:30!~

i shut off my phone. i got out my homework, and started working on it.


suprsingly by the time i was finished it was 4:15, so i put up my hair and fixed my makeup.


we arrived at the studio and i saw Abby at the front desk.

"hey Mackenzie. i wanted to let you know, you did an amazing job last night for not being an official dancer. if you would like you can come here anytime you want and use an empty studio and just practice dance, maybe ill come in every once in a while to help you." she smiled

"thank you! i will definatly be back. Maybe my mom will let me dance here soon, maybe ill tryout for the junior elite competition team." i beamed.

"that would be great! i'd love you on my team"

i walked into the den where kendall was standing there. i smiled and waved to be nice.

"what are you doing here chip girl?"

"alright, i know we faught but can we make up? im tired of you giving me the death stare. i want to be friends again."

"i dont know..." she trailed off

"please im sorry for yelling at you. i dont like you calling me those names either."

"ok fine i will forgive you."

"so you want to sit with me and Nia at lunch now?" i smirked

"i will think about it" she giggled.

i walked over and gave her a we were hugging Nia walked in and smiled.

AN: alright so if you like this chapter i need 10 votes and 3 comments for more :)

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