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Ana's POV:

The day had come to an end, life that was worth a day, a day to resurrect, a day to suspend, a day to enfold. She was alive, she knew she could breath. Maybe the very last of her survival. Light was stroking widely to make it to her eyes, stretching with inches of spectacular loneliness. She had got only a few things in her life.

1: Friends

2: Foes

3: Family

4: Education

But still there was something missing. She had always felt a sense of mistook. Haris was his only friend who was opposite gender, and apart him she had a full girl's group. Enchanting, giggling, surprising. And she was satisfied with everything she had. But Haris was still somewhat special, a special friend, a best friend, a friend for whom she could risk her life. She had only refused to his proposal for not making this friendship complicated.

It was the first time she had felt the sense of freedom, epoching her from her feet and moving upwards slowly, disintegrating, was the freedom of water. The water was surrounding her, making way through her moouth and nostrils and then everything turned black at once. She didn't know it was gonna be this calm, not giving her a touch of pain. ( Or maybe she wasn't feeling at all). She thought if she had known the comfort of it she might have commited it a long time before.


Haris' POV:

Everything was more or less out of order. He had lost the server that connected Ana. It had taken him a long time preparing everything.


He called Farhan on the very morning of the meet up day, Farhan arranged the kidnappers, flight, staff, but the knowingness of Ana had marked a soft corner inside any valve of his heart, that he somehow persuaded Haris to accompany himself on the following flight Ana was supposed to be in order to keep Haris aware what Ana is going through.

He had glimpse of Ana recognizing him anyhow so he managed a veil around his face. The plus point of his not being Pakistani proved more vital.

Farhan's POV:

The first time I managed my wits to see Haris' cousin became something interesting, special, unbelievable, a revolution, a tremendous victory. I felt the world move upside down and myself being in the same position forever. I was still standing by the door having my gaze all tightened on the figure who was sitting in a sort of elevated position leaning towards the wall, eyes closed, and water from them dancing and making it's way down on those chubby cheeks, curling down through her neck and vanishing when met the collar of her pink shirt. "She was red", the first thing that came in my mind as her face was barely red. I'll be no wrong saying it resembled most of tomatoes.

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