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The cafe where we'd planned to meet was so cozy,was that really cozy or my inside feelings were bulging out,I couldn't decide at once. Finally after mingling sights with many other dark haired women I found her sitting in the least corner table of the cafe,the looks on her face were telling she'd been incredibly waiting for me,was there something so immense to tell me she had?! I had got this late yet by knowing my all wits.

She'd prepared herself to deal with me;anyways I hadn't compelled her,all she was doing was her choice,she was herself getting into a trap,I hadn't even invited her.

Was she actually acting that paranormal or it was only my illusion,I must've had feeling that way,I knew this so well!

I managed my way so finely to her,took a chair back,she moved her gaze up,yes there I was she'd realised. She took a deep breath just after watching me there so I did. She smiled while watching me with her two too dark eyes. She was same in looks as three months back,same pitch black straight hairs,same chubby milk skin,same dark eyes I'd had been floating since I had first look at,same gorgeous dimple,and same voice. Yeah! she had had a firm feminine voice three months earlier,so she still had that beauty inside her voice. I was so shocked from inside,my insides weren't believing we were actually meeting again but I had to show something else apparently.

"so here you are beautiful",I said grinning.

Her expressions had already showed me she was so surprised with a sudden change in nick-name and the rest of surprise her voice showed me off.

"yeah! nice to meet you BHAIYYA",she had called me first time with this name. She showed a bright smirk on her face for whom I was not ready at all. GOSH! she was more witty than I had thought.

"shall order for something?!" I managed to change the subject.

"yeah! sure!",she pushed the menu towards me. As for the first time we were managing a meeting in five star hotel's cafe,the one best in town,so ultimately we'd a wide range of deals.

I yet again grinned at her,which was way too attractive,"its your turn sweetie! order any thing I'll pay,promised!". OMG! I was so incredibly flirting,I was actually proud with myself.

Her smile was yet too attractive,she snatched the menu card as I was waving it mischieviously in my hand.

"so here we go!".

We already had a waiter to oursleves,so she started doing physiquely awkward hand motions telling him where to start from. Insides she was planning a way to get out of it,but she was so hard trying to impress me.

"we need a tiramisu cake,wait,two tiramisu cakes,with one cup black latte coffee and one cup hot chocolate,yet after fifteen minutes we'll be needing two ice creams,both a scoop vanilla with sprinkles on"

She paused and asked me,"okay?!",she was now trying to show her humble part to me. We didn't notice the waiter was still standing to us. He showed us a sympathetic smile and managed saying,"a perfect couple you guys are,have sorta same choices,even look too cute together."

there was nothing else I could do insipite of smiling at him and then at her,whereas who could be more blank face than Ana was right at that moment!.

"what!?",I managed these words out of my mouth without pretending all my desires had started bulging out again.



"Haris I don't know if it'll be appropriate or even at edges of appropriate to discuss this with you but this is the only thing that suits now,I've no friends,had never felt the need of making new friends when you were around,I've no choices even remained now,all I could do is to mingle up with you."

"oh yes ma'm! speak up please,you're doing exactly nothing but making me aware of my worth",another sarcastic way he'd shown.

"I am chosen in the luckiest eights for a two years scholarship in Sweden,really wanna go,at first it seemed as I'd not be allowed to accompany my mates there,but tentatively I am REALLY going though! isn't it something too happy though?",I ended up with a question.

He shown me a beautiful smile which was pure too in a way. I don't know in what ways he manages beautiful smile but all I know they do look great on him.

"that's amazing! and exciting for me as well. Actually we may call it a co-incidence,I am visiting Sweden this weekened as Percuma wants me to do a music video for them.",He paused and continued,"you know what Percuma is!?",I nodded bluntly,"okay! well! Percuma is a national music studio with so many hit music videos,collabrated with so many artists for their videos including Asim Azhar,Shehzad Roy and Ali Azmat as well."

I blinked,"Really! that sounds so cool",I couldn't stop my self saying,"you are incredible!."

"Oh ya I m.",he grinned yet once again.


She all of a sudden took out her pink glittery phone case stocked with a too expensive silver phone and started sliding it with her nude thumb. I was unable to get my grip back on me as she faced that towards me with whole screen turned into a man who was wearing sweat pants and absolutely no-shirt at all,with his six packs shining in the scorching sun,he was wearing branded ray-bans and was leaning against a white ferrari,his chocolate brown hairs were the most stunning part of all. All the way of this STUNNING self I was totally STUNNED at the sight.

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