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THERE WAS ALWAYS A CERTAIN 'AURA' IN THE AIR ON SEPTEMBER FIRST. Everyone seemed to wake up slightly less tired, enjoy their breakfast slightly more and receive slightly less tears from their parents while bidding goodbyes.

However, during Axel's fifth year that 'aura' seemed to completely miss his subtle home in Chester.

Thanks to his youngest sister, Eden, no one's alarm went off causing the whole household to rush as fast as they could which only bottled more emotions in Axel's mother.

"Mum for the hundredth time, I'll be fine. Now, I really need to go or the train will leave without me." said Axel. His eyes were furiously dashing between his watch and the brick wall in front of him.

He could do with being late, Seamus and Dean were ALWAYS late when it came to the train. But missing the train was a whole other thing.

What was he meant to do afterwards, call Dumbledore? Axel highly doubted that the Hogwarts headmaster had a telephone laying in his office.

Sighing, Mrs Wright pulled her adopted son into one final hug before nodding her curly head at him, signalling that he's free to go."Stay safe, baby."

Madyson Wright had this obsessive habit of worrying way too much about Axel. From day one, her and Edward, her husband, made it their mission to make sure that the abandoned boy always felt at home with the Wrights.

A weight was lifted from their shoulders when him and their eldest daughter, Ruby, seemed to hit it off straight away. Even Eden, who was only a newborn back then, couldn't seem to get enough of Axel.

And though that quenched Edward's worry, Madyson still found herself fussing over the smallest situations regarding the boy. Especially since they found out that he'll be leaving them for eleven months at a time, with only one holiday where he can come home, in order to study at Hogwarts.

"I always do." Axel winked at his mum. His focused quickly turned to the girl standing slighting behind his mum, with equally as many tears in her eyes.

Sighing, he walked over to her and crouched down to her height, "You're twelve now Eden, I thought you were over this whole crying thing."

Eden rolled her blurry eyes and latched onto her brother. "How about a deal, I'll stop crying if you stop going to that stupid school."

"Though it sounds tempting, I'll have to pass." He laughed, using both of his hands to play with Eden's hair. "I'll be back before you know it, midget. Now stop crying or mum will never let me go, okay?"

Nodding, the girl pulled away and used the sleeve of her yellow cardigan to furiously wipe at hear tears. Axel smiled at the sight and proceeded to kiss Eden and his mother on their cheeks.

"I love you both!" and before they could muster a final 'Goodbye!', he was gone through the wall built between platforms nine and ten of King's Cross station.

Almost magically, he did make it in time for the final call. In fact, he was still earlier than most of his friends. Leaving him alone in an compartment with Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil for a short while before Seamus and Dean appeared.

The three already sitting children shuffled about to greet their other two friends with hugs.

"Late as always, why am I not surprised." Lavender tutted teasingly. The group fell into more shuffling as everyone took their usual seats around the compartment.

"Blame Seamus, he Flooed to my house ten minutes late." accused Dean.

"And I thought I'd be the late one this time, thanks for living up to the tradition boys." Axel laughed along with the already giggling Parvati and Lavender. With his legs rested on the latter's lap, he felt a type of familiar comfort that only his Hogwarts friends could provide.

The five continued their pointless bantering for a couple more minutes until a loud whistle was heard, only seconds after a bunch of redheads were spotted running into the train, signaling the start of their painfully long journey.

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chapter un. wow four years of French really paid off !!

have you noticed that im really bad at finding a non awkward way to end chapters?

this is just a cute lil' one so that you can see more of Axel and some of his relationship with the fam.

i didn't know if i should put in that he's adopted now or later in the book, anyway it won't have any significance to the plot so i decided on just throwing it in here.

would you be so kind?; seamus finniganWhere stories live. Discover now