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FIVE FRIENDS WERE SITTING IN THE GRYFFINDOR COMMON ROOM AFTER HOURS. They each had their own homeworks to do; and yet somehow they found themselves spread across the maroon couches playing a rather disturbing round of 'would you rather', a game that was introduced to them by Axel.

"No way!" shrieked Parvati, "I'd much rather wash Snape's hair than kiss Umbridge, who knows what toad diseases she has." she flared her hands around and moved away from Dean, who had the opposite opinion to her.

"But who knows what diseases Snape's hair has! Listen to yourself, woman!" he argued, barely getting his sentence right with the intensity of his laughter.

Meanwhile Axel, who was sharing a loveseat with Lavender, silently shook his head as his eyebrows shot up past his hairline, "Can someone remind me why I'm friends with you lot?"

That earned his three shouts of protest and one slap on the arm.

"Because, Axy, you love us." Seamus teased, unaware of the truthfulness of his words.

Unluckily for Axel, Lavender caught on Seamus' unfortunate wording and stood up from her seat, while sending a meaningful look to Axel, to grap Parvati by her arm, "It's getting quite late, I think we should head up."

"Yeah so do I." agreed Axel, with a smug smile. Lavender really needed to work harder on getting him alone with Seamus, her actions were very mediocre.

Grumbling to herself, the brown haired girl, followed by the second female of the group, made their way up the stairs leading to the girls dorms. Shortly after, the boys did the exact same. It was only when the three were all tucked into their separate beds that one of them spoke.

"I left my jumper downstairs." stated Seamus, in a much more dramatic voice than necessary.

"Good for you." Dean snickered in return, turning on his side so that he was facing the Irish boy. Maybe it was the lighting bouncing off of their red curtains, but Axel could've swore that he saw a mild blush spread on Seamus' face. "What about about it?"

"I, need to go and get it." he replied, emphasising the 'I', "Axel, come with me?"

"I'd rather die than get out of this bed." Axel laughed. Seamus, ignoring his friend, already went out of his bed and stood impatiently at the end of his bed.

"But I'm cold." he wined.

"Go and get it alone, I'm warm."

"Knowing Hermione, she probably shut the lights off already. So it's dark, come on just come with me." Seamus pleaded.

Ignoring the fact that since Harry and Ron are absent and Hermione is probably out with them, Axel let out the longest sigh he could muster and climbed out of his bed, "Hurry your arse up, it's fucking freezing." 

He would never dare to admit how good it felt for Seamus to need him for something. The coldness didn't even bother him much, seeing as the warmth that he felt inside provided enough heat to satisfy his body.

The two friends walked through the perfectly lit-up corridor side by side, each occasional arm touch sending further heat waves through poor Axel. It didn't take long for them to find Seamus' obnoxiously red hoodie, which laid forgotten on one of the couches.

Immediately, Axel turned back around expecting for Seamus to follow. What he didn't expect was for the boy to sit down on the said couch and fall back against it while sighing.

Confused, Axel walked to sit next to his friend which only confused his further as the boy shot up and went back to standing.

"Are, Are you okay?" Axel asked. What a dumb question, he thought shortly after.

"Yeah. No. I don't know to be honest." Seamus' hands couldn't seem to stop moving. They moved from playing with the tussles of his hoodie to messing up his hair and vice versa.

"Well, do you want to talk about it?" Axel received a nod in response.

"It's, um. Okay so, you know how you're," he gestured wildy with his arms to finish off the sentence.

And although Axel knew perfectly well what he was implying, flustered Seamus caused him way too much fun to help him out. So instead, he raised an eyebrow at his friend, "I'm what?"

"You know," Seamus sighed "you're. You like, you know."

"For Merlin's sake I like guys, I'm not dying! You can say the word 'gay' and I promise I won't cry" he laughed. Seamus only blushed further, which was odd since he'd usually laugh at Axel's dumb joke. "Okay something is seriously off, just say what you have to say, Seamus."

"I think I'm gay." he blurred out. He looked so oddly calm in comparison to how agitated he was moments before that Axel wasn't sure if to smile or frown at his response.

"You 'think'?"

"Yeah, is that bad?"

"No! Not at all! Great actually." he muttered the last part to himself, "But I must say, I don't understand why you were so nervous to tell me. I'm literally the only one out of our friends who wouldn't freak out over this." he joked.

"That's not it, though." added Seamus. His hands went back to fidgeting and Axel's heart sped up by at least a milestone.

"It's not?"

"I really, I really like this guy."

By now, Axel was certain that his heart was a second away from breaking out of his chest. He tried to remain calm as he sent a failed, reassuring smile to his friend, "And do I get to know who this guy is?"

"Um, you see, that part's the problem." Seamus' eyes fell to the floor while his face turned a deep shade of red, ironically matching his hoodie.

"I, I'm all ears!" exclaimed Axel, probably too excitedly. A million thoughts travelled through his head, his excitement very obvious to the stuttering Irish boy. Was this it? Was this the day he's been waiting for, for literal years? Was Seamus Finnigan really about to confess his love to him or was this some sort of wicked dream?

"It's, Dean."


God, i really suck at ending chapter.

okay so i didn't want him coming out to be a big deal bc EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO HAVE THEIR OWN SEXUALITY AND BE PROUD OF IT but then again i felt like Seamus would be awks about it i don't even know anymore.

would you be so kind?; seamus finniganWhere stories live. Discover now