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WITH UMBRIDGE BEING THE NEW DADA TEACHER, LEARNING ACTUAL DEFENSE BECAME IMPOSSIBLE. And although DADA wasn't exactly Axel's favourite subject, he knew that in order to become an Auror he would need quite high marks in the subject.

Therefore there wasn't even a hint of hesitation in his body movement as he signed his name onto the Dumbledore's Army sheet, presented to him by Hermione. That's how the secret meetings began. At least once a week, Axel, Dean and Parvati would sneak away from their other two friends and attend the DA meetings.

Seamus and Lavender never suspected a thing, and though the trio felt terrible about lying to their bestfriends they knew that there was no other way of surviving the war. The two Gryffindors were very stubborn when it came to this whole You-Know-Who business. What they said was final, and they didn't let anyone convince them that Harry wasn't actually lying, but the ministry was.

Therefore as innocently as he could, Axel often tried to teach his two friends what he'd learn from Harry Potter. That included asking Lavender to tutor him in Divination and 'accidentally' charming his tea leaves to say that he was in grave danger, which resulted in Lavender and him practicing hexes back and forth to ensure his safety.

With Seamus, it was much harder. He didn't take Divination, so the approach he used on Lavender went out of the window.

Once he did manage to convince him, it was much later into the meetings. So late, that the certain spell that managed to catch Seamus' attention was one that Axel himself wasn't capable of performing.

"Hey, have you ever heard of a Patronus?" asked Axel. He and Seamus were the only ones left in the library due to everyone else being out, enjoying the weather, while the two had a Potions essay to perfect.

"A Patronus?" repeated Seamus, setting down his quill "Isn't that some sort of defence charm we learn in sixth or seventh year?"

Axel hummed in response, pretending that he was reading the book that actually had nothing to do with the topic. "It says here that only certain individuals can perform the charm before the age of seventeen. So it's kind of only for the talented, I guess."

That seemed to stir something in the Irish boy as he fully ignored his essay and leaned closer to his friend, who was sat in front of him. "I bet that I could do it."

"Oh yeah?" Axel raised an eyebrow at Seamus, who only hummed in response as Axel previously did.

"It can't be that hard now, can it? I am pretty talented after all." Seamus joked and sent a wink to the dark haired boy.

Axel's heart leaped, he would finally be able to help Seamus catch up on what he's been missing in the DA (the wink also helped with the feelings in poor Axel's heart.).

"Don't get too cocky Finnigan, the books says it's very complex and you've heard Granger; 'Books never lie!'." he imitated the girl's voice as well as he could, earning a loud chuckle from his friend.

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