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AXEL HUMMED QUIETLY AS LAVENDER PLAYED WITH HIS UNBRUSHED HAIR. The two sat in silence, huddled in Madam Puddifoot's, Lavenders favourite, as their eyes roamed around the other students that were also present in the tea shop.

Most of them were on dates, Axel specifically noted Zacharias Smith sucking some poor Ravenclaw's face off and Dean looking slightly too cozy with a ginger fourth year. Others, like Lavender and Axel, came as friends, or alone, specifically for the amazing tea that the shop provides.

Hearing a familiar giggle to the right of him, Axel let his eyes wonder to a pair of Indian twins, probably, gossiping about a new rumour they heard.

"Why isn't Parvati sitting with us?" asked Axel, not moving his eyes from the girl.

"She wanted to hang out with Padma today." Lavender answered him shortly with a small, unknown to Axel, frown.

"Oh," he sighed, finally looking up at Lavender's frown "at least it's finally quiet."

She hummed in response, tugging slightly harder on Axel's soft hair. Being the oblivious boy he is, Axel smiled at his friend and turned his gaze away from the blonde's face.

"Do you think she just doesn't like us anymore?" he continued, still unaware of Lavender's craving to move on from this conversation.

"Don't be silly," she scolded, "of course she still likes us. She's allowed to spend time with her sister, Axy." Her words were very lighthearted, as if she didn't quite believe in them herself. Her brown eyes were sternly fixed on her bestfriend while she answered Axel, longing for her to walk over and join the two like she used to do.

This time, Axel was the one that hummed. Even though his was more sarcastic than the Brown girl's, "Yeah of course she is, it's not like they see each other all the time at home, anyway."

"Oh shut up Axel!" she exclaimed, her voice wasn't loud but the irritation in it was obvious "Sometimes people just drift apart, that doesn't mean that we're suddenly not friends. She's still my best friend."

"Sorry, Lav."

Sighing, the girl took her hands out of Axel's hair and reached to her side to pick up the elegantly presented tea cup, "S'alright."

Even Axel wasn't oblivious enough to believe her statement, yet he decided on just sending her an apologetic smile and busying himself with letting his fingers toy around with the frills on her skirt. He supposed that he understood what she was feeling, seeing as his own best friend didn't think of him as hers, and understood that Lavender probably wants to sulk in peace.

His thoughts drifted away from the poor girl and moved on to their friendship group in general. Lavender and Parvati were best friends, as were Seamus and Dean, leaving Axel always third wheeling the pairs. Unless a rare argument occurred between the group, then he stuck loyally by Lavender's side. It wasn't unusual for Axel to be contemplating the matter, always secretly claiming that he somehow always gets the shorter end of the stick in their friendship.

But what he didn't consider was that everyone has a different way of reacting to situations. And while Axel might've believed that what he was doing was ultimately the best solution, Lavender was sipping on her tea patiently waiting to be comforted by her friend.

Predictably, that didn't end up happening. And equally as predictably, Axel found himself sitting on his set bed later on in the evening, wondering what was it that he said that made Lavender go into another one of her 'brat fits', as they called them.


happy first axel in 2018?!! (moony now u have to publish your stufF!)

this is literally the shortest chapter so far but chapters 6&7 will be fillers so that chapter 8 isn't to bAm

i made chapter 8 sound bad now, it's not bad i promise

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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