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SUNDAY EVENINGS SPENT TOGETHER BECAME SOME SORT OF TRADITION FOR AXEL AND LAVENDER. Seeing as she was the first friend who he made at Hogwarts, Axel found confiding in the girl strangely easy, which was something she liked seeing as gossip was like oxygen for her.

Though some may find Lavender Brown to be annoying, Axel loved spending time in her company. Although she was overly giggly and loved getting into other people's business, he thought of her as a breath of fresh air in comparison to their other friends.

Sunday evenings were their getaway from everyone else. They exchanged gossip, probably talked about Axel's obvious crush, ate food and enjoyed each other's company while lounging around the Gryffindor common room as everyone else slept.

"Do you ever think about him?" was a question that never came up in their five years of rantings. That was until one particular night, when Lavender herself seemed sick and tired of Seamus and his oblivious toying with Axel's emotions.

"Seamus? Of course I do, all the bloody time -"

"No, not Seamus you nobhead." tutted Lavender, rolling her brown eyes "Macmillan."

Axel merely shook his head in confusion, "Why would I think about Ernie?"

"Erm, I don't know. Maybe because he was your boyfriend for like half a year?" said Lavender, her word dripping with sarcasm.

But what she said was true. Ernie and Axel starting going out at the end of their third year and ended their relationship just before the Christmas of fourth year, meaning that they were in a relationship for around seven months in total.

The two made a great couple. They helped each other with their struggles, spent countless nights wondering aimlessly around the castle long after curfew and had little, weekly picnic dates by the black lake.

The only problem was that while Ernie loved Axel throughly with his whole heart, Axel only slightly returned those feelings. He didn't even know if what he felt towards the Hufflepuff was 'love', but he assumed that it wasn't.

Yes, he adored Ernie. He was infatuated by the boy, to the point where he often found himself mindlessly creating little scenarios in his head of what the future might hold for the couple. However, Axel couldn't deny that every now and then, his thoughts trailed away to a certain Irish boy.

"If what I feel is love," he once told his lover "then I wouldn't be craving for him to notice me as much as I do."

So he broke it off, and Ernie was very accepting of that. With his usual 'golden smile', he held Axel close and told him that he'll keep his fingers crossed for him and Seamus; "I believe in you" were his exact words. And with a final kiss 'goodbye', the two parted ways yet still made sure to keep friendly contact if they found themselves in close proximity to each other.

Now, Axel was certain that what he felt towards Seamus was love. After ending things with the blonde boy, his mind never even considered any form of romantic contact with anyone other than Seamus.

There were even times where he found himself not being able to eat nor sleep due to the aching need he felt to receive attention from his fellow Gryffindor.

It was annoying; having everyone know about your crush apart from the one person who you want to know about. It was an issue which was often discussed on Sunday evenings, especially after a certain amount of stolen Butterbeer.

"No," he answered truthfully "I don't. The only person my brain can seem to focus on is Seamus fucking Finnigan."


this is just very short wow.

but you needed to learn about ernie somehow so *shrug*

honestly ernie is such a bean i love him

would you be so kind?; seamus finniganWhere stories live. Discover now