[ 2.7 ] imessage | phil

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Today 1:27pm

DanIEL Howell
you were so fucking wrong
about tessa


What do you mean?

DanIEL Howell
she doesn't like me

Are you sure you're not

Because everyone knows
you're the biggest drama
queen in the universe

DanIEL Howell
im not overreacting

she sprinted away from me

that's how much she doesn't
like me

Okay, hold on

Start from the beginning

DanIEL Howell
it was going really well at
first and then she mentioned
that she was feeling a bit
sick so i took her out onto
the deck bit of the boat

then she threw up on me
and kept saying how she
was really sorry and that
this was really embarrassing
for her and i kept trying to
reassure her bc im ngl i was
almost puking after that

and then she ran away and
idk where the fuck she went


Well, I knew she threw up
on someone, but I didn't
think it was you

Maybe she just wanted to
clean herself up?

DanIEL Howell
phil, i didnt see her for the
rest of the night

i even stayed on the boat
for a little while after we
docked to see if i could find
her and check that she was
okay but she was nowhere

its like she vanished into
thin air

Maybe she did 👀🌪✨

DanIEL Howell
fuck off phil now is not the
time for jokes

i messed up big time

what am i going to do???

why do people not like me???

People do like you, Dan

You're just overreacting

DanIEL Howell
if im overreacting then why
the fuck haven't i been in a
relationship since


Since me?

DanIEL Howell

You've been on dates

DanIEL Howell
crappy dates that never end

just like this one ffs

Daniel, I promise you that
Tessa likes you

Just give her time and
you'll see how much she
cares about you

DanIEL Howell
sure she does


Just because we didn't work
out doesn't mean you and
Tessa won't

And hiding behind humor
on twitter isn't going to

DanIEL Howell
im not

i just don't want her to think
i'm lame and hurt

But you are...?

DanIEL Howell


DanIEL Howell
still rude

Just listen to me and
understand that you
haven't mucked everything
up with Tessa, okay?
Read 1:41pm

DanIEL Howell

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