[ 1.1 ] dodie's flat | tessa

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Tessa arrived at Dodie's flat at about 6:10pm on Saturday evening.

Rehearsals had finished early as nothing was getting anywhere and everyone was tired of getting it wrong.

When Dodie opened the door she was surprised, but let Tessa in nonetheless offering her a hot drink before telling her she could use the shower.

"Are you saying I smell?" Tessa quipped after Dodie's shower remark.

"Umm, maybe a little bit." Dodie replied, holding her index finger and thumbs a millimetre apart in front of her with a small smile spread across her lips.

They both laughed and Tessa went for her shower while Dodie got ready.

Practice had been tough, and Tessa was very hot and bothered by the time she got into the shower.

She stood in the shower for a couple of minutes, letting the water drop over her pale skin and dark hair.

She was still thinking about Dan. Yeah, Dodie said he liked her, but she wasn't sure if maybe she was twisting the truth.

She was nervous. She really, really liked him and she didn't want to muck up her chances with him.

Once she'd washed and dried everything she made her way to Dodie's bedroom to put some party clothes on.

"I set your stuff out on the floor for you." Dodie smiled at her in the mirror whilst finishing off her winged eyeliner.

Tessa gazed down at her outfit - a slim dress with three cutouts (two at each shoulder and one over the chest), some thick heels and some laced tights.

Her whole outfit was black; not a colour in sight. She smiled at it and then turned to Dodie, who had started her next eye.

"How do you do that so well?" Tessa asked in amazement.

"I don't." Dodie answered simply, chuckling.

"Oh!" Dodie exclaimed turning away from the mirror. "I didn't see any jewellery in your bag so you can take some of mine if you need any."

"Oh, damn it." Tessa sighed. "I knew I'd forgotten something. Thanks."

"No worries." Dodie smiled at her best friend. "Now come on and get ready so you can help me with the party stuff." She sang as she jumped off of the stool she was sitting on and waltzed out of the room.

Tessa got dressed and added a pair of dangly earrings and a ring to her outfit, and then moved onto make up.

She did her basic face make up, put some winged eyeliner on with some false lashes and some dull maroon matt lipstick.

She walked into the kitchen, where Dodie was putting various snacks into bowls, and twirled around.

"Of course you have to make the spin look stylised." Dodie glanced up from the bowl, rolling her eyes.

Tessa just stuck her tongue out. "How do I look?"

"Fabulous, as always."

"You don't think it's a bit too much?" She asked, scared that she'd end up looking stupid.

"Girl, on you, nothing can ever be too much." Dodie replied walking over and handing her a bag of crisps. "You look great. Now, can you put these into a bowl and then put them on the table, please?"

"Of course." Tessa smiled.

Soon enough it was 7pm and people started arriving.

First to arrive were Louise and Zoe. When Tessa saw them she squealed and gave them each a massive hug.

"I've missed you both so much, oh my god." Tessa said as she released Zoe.

"We've missed you too chummy!" Louise said as they got a drink and sat down on the sofa. "What have you been up to?"

Tessa told them about how her dance company was preparing for a world dancing tournament, and that she'd also got a job choreographing a dance routine for a group of young contemporary dancers.

She asked them how they'd been, and they talked for ages as more and more people came.

Everyone seemed to be there by 8pm. Everyone except Dan and Phil. Tessa kept telling herself that it was fine, that she wasn't depending on Dan being there.

But it wasn't fine. She was depending on Dan being there. She needed to see him, so they could at least finish the conversation they began the other night.

But where were they? It got closer and closer to 9pm and Tessa kept getting more and more disappointed. Visibly as well, as Louise seemed to notice.

"Are you okay there, T?" She asked, concern plastered all over her face.

Tessa looked up at Louise, pulling her gaze away from the door. "Yeah." She did her best at a fake smile, but Louise could see through it.

"Did you want to go or something?" Zoe asked, also concerned.

Tessa shook her head and sipped her drink, gluing her eyes back to the door.

"Okay, something's clearly making you miserable. Do want to go to the toilet and tell us about what's getting you down?" Zoe asked, not letting it go easily.

"Or we could get Dodie?" Louise added.

"I'm fine, honestly." Tessa sighed. "I was just expecting someone, that's all."

"I'm sure they'll turn up." Louise sympathised, rubbing Tessa's back. "Maybe you could talk to some people while you wait? It'll take your mind off of it?"

Tessa agreed, it seemed like a good idea. So she stood up, said goodbye to Zoe and Louise and went to go when there was a knock at the door.

Her head turned straight towards the door as Dodie opened it and it was as if time stood still.

There, standing in the doorway like a god, was Dan. Tall and handsome and smiling from ear to ear.

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