[ 3.3 ] dodie

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Dodie knew that Tessa thought she'd never find love. Not after what had happened to her. But Dodie refused to give up on her. She kept pushing and pushing, trying her hardest to find someone who would show Tessa that it isn't gone forever.

And then the party happened.

It was like a bulldozer had rolled through her best friend's life, carving a path through the destruction.

So Dodie knew that whoever the person Tessa saw was, they needed to be in her life. At least for now.

"Now this song is quite an old one." Dodie began, "But, my best friend, Tessa," She paused as everyone cheered loudly.

"She says it's one of her favourites." Dodie continued after the cheering had died down. "So, I'm going to dedicate this song to her."

Another eruption of cheers and shouts followed as Dodie paused again and laughed.

"Tessie is real!"


"Tessie! Tessie! Tessie!"

"And no, no, no, not because I'm smitten with her." She remarked, before covering her mouth to one side as if whispering and adding, "Although, who couldn't be smitten with her, let's be honest."

The crowd, again, erupted into cheers as Dodie's smile grew bigger and she began to scrunch her nose up.

"She's going to hate me for revealing this, but it's actually because it's kind of what's happened to her." There were more screams coming from the crowd as Dodie turned to look at Tessa offstage.

Tessa covered her face with her 'sweater paws' as Dodie thought about how crazy it was that this one song that she wrote years ago would be so relevant to her life even now.

"So here it is, 'Absolutely Smitten'."

Dodie began to play her ukelele, occasionally glancing in Tessa's direction to see her reaction.

She almost messed on her words when she saw what was happening between her best friend and 'Daniel Howell'.

They were holding hands. Properly. Like a couple.

All that remained to be said was: Thank God for Dodie Clark.

Without her, this would've never happened. Without her, Tessa wouldn't have found the strength to happy again. Without her, Tessa would still be afraid of falling in love.

And as Dodie glanced at Tessa, she beamed. She was content in knowing that as she sung the first line of the chorus it couldn't be closer to the truth.

"She's absolutely smitten, she'll never let him go."

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