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I felt dizzy. Why did I even ask my friend to teleport me here? I just wish there was simpler way getting to the Badlands for the sign ups for the TF2 Analysis. I tried to stand up, but I fell back on my hooves.

I'm an earth pony with a red coat and a brown mane. I also have a laptop as a cutie mark. I'm not really part of the fandom, but I am a big fan of the show, love watching reviews on the episodes, and write fanfiction.

Anyway. I pondered on what to do, when a voice rings out, "Duck!"

I turned to see a missile heading right towards me! Suddenly I was pushed to the ground by a white and brown burl. I got my eye sight back to see a hippogriff with white feathers on his head, brown feather of his wings along with a brown coat of his lower pony half, white feathers sticking out at the top of his head, and a quill as a cutie mark. He also was wearing Heavy equipment. It was the Silver Quill! My favorite reviewer of all time.

He turns over his head and yells, "British! Watch where you're aiming that thing!"

British, who I assume, calls out, "Sorry!"

"Are you okay?" Silver Quill asks helping me up.

I was lost for words, but I nodded.

He looks at me and sticks out his claw, "Silver Quill, MLP reviewer, the Heavy here, and also the fandom's punching bag."

I shake it as I reply, "Ms. Writer, fanfic writer, lover of reviews, and huge fan of the show. I was wondering if I could find a spot on the team."

"Let me take you to Dr. Wolf." Silver Quill says and he leads the way.

As we walk, I realize something, "You know, what you shouted at me before, it's very strange coming from you."

Silver gives a small smile and says, "Well, I am ⅓ of a duck."

I chuckle a bit and then say, "You're also ninety percent of a irish chicken."

"Great-Grand dad had a delicious funeral." Silver says with a dramatic sniffle.

I chuckle again. As we head to the headquarters, I see many analyser, like KP, Lighting Bliss , Voice of Reason, and many more. We walk inside to see a wolf with gray fur, standing on its two hind legs, and is wearing the Engineer uniform, writing.

He looks up and smiles. "Ah, hello Silver Quill, I see you brought a new guest."

I nod and stick out my hoof. "Ms. Writer, fanfic writer, lover of reviews, and huge fan of the show."

Dr. Wolf nods, shakes my hoof, says, "Dr. Wolf reviewer of the MLP fandom and TF2's engineer."

"Ms. Writer here," Silver Quill says stepping forward, "actually wants to apply for the team." Silver Quill explains.

"Well, I'm sorry." Dr. Wolf says looking over the files, "There are no more spots."

I sighed, knowing at it was all too good to be true. "Can I at least try out a position just for today?" I ask.

Dr. Wolf looks thoughtful and says, "I don't see the harm."

Then he looks through the weaponry and asks, "Which position would you like to try?"

I look over at it too, but then a red unicorn stallion with a golden blond mane, a smiley flame cutie mark, and wearing the Medic gear, know as Firebrand, comes crashing through the window.

"Ow." He says in a weak tone.

Then we turn to see a orange pegasus, with a dark orange mane, a phoenix cutie mark, and wearing the Sniper gear. I quickly recognize him as Goldenfox.

He's flying outside the window, where Firebrand came crashing through, and shouts, "Come back here, you stupid stallion!"

He aims at Firebrand, but then my protective instincts kicked in, for I grabbed the Spy weapon, and suddenly cloak and then decloak next to Goldenfox on the windowsill. I give three shot from the revolter I have. He falls back and the three of them looked at me in shock.

I looked down sheepishly and say, "Sorry."

"No, not at all, but how good are you with acting?" Dr. Wolf ask.

A lightbulb appears above my head and I cloak. As the three of them look around, I disguise myself as Ink Rose, enter through Dr. Wolf's office door and walk over to Firebrand, who was able to heal himself.

"Hey Firebrand." I say in my Ink Rose voice.

He started to get fluster. "I-Ink R-Rose, it nice to um see y-you." He started to blush.

"Are you alright? You're looking hot." I say putting my hoof on his shoulder.

Firebrand goes more scarlett. "Well, um, I, um..."

He tries to say something, but then I smirk and throw off my disguise and twisted his hoofs to his back and pinned him to the ground.

"Gotcha." I say holding him down.

There was a silence of shock.

Dr. Wolf then asks Silver, "How do you feel about getting a new teammate."

"I have no idea what to say, cause I am both impressed and terrified." Silver says.

Dr. Wolf chuckles and says to me, "Welcome to the red team."

I smile with glee.

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