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As I fight alongside Silver Quill, I start to feel light headed. Oh no, not now!

"Writer, are you okay?" Silver ask.

I suck in a breath, not trying to show that I'm right now weak at the moment.

"No, uh, I'm fine, I just..." Suddenly, a feeling comes to me that a snipper robot is going to shoot at Silver Quill, I throw flames at the snipper and watched it disintegrate.

The weakness went to the knee. I couldn't hold on, so the flame from my hooves go out, and I fell towards the ground.

"Writer!" Silver shouts my name, but I fell into a world of inky blackness.

I suddenly spring up from a lying down position and look around. To me, I was like in the middle of nowhere. Then I look to my right to see a WHOLE ARMY OF ROBOTS! I quickly stand up and run towards my left. I had to stop short to see Finn and Dr. Wolf.

"Doc! Finn!" I shout.

They turned to look at me with wide eyes.

"Ms. Writer?! How are you-what are you doing here?!" Dr. Wolf asks.

"I can't really explain. All I can say is that one minute, I was in the the fortress, the next minute, I'm here outside the Badlands with you guys." I say.

Then, there was a whirring noise and we turn to see the robots advancing through the Badlands, while saying very strange things. The Robot Soldiers tended to repeat that they were programmed to be scary and that they took jobs from American vampires?

A barrage of bullets from me ended up inside a Robot Scout's head, offlining it.

"Come out from behind your little toys and fight like a man!" ordered a Robot Soldier just before, by one of Dr. Wolf's Sentries, the bot taken down.

"Doc, you sure this is a good idea?" asked Finn, I see him moving his Dispenser back, seem like they were slowly moving back to where they are executing their plan, little by little.

"Pretty sure our teammates could use some refills right about now." he said as Doc kept hitting his Sentries with his Wrench to keep both the Level 2 and the Mini Sentry topped up on bullets and in one piece.

"Hold steady, Finn." The doc says moving his Dispenser. "If we lose our focus, we'll lose all the equipment we have out here."

"The natural enemy of the robot is the hippie!" screams a Robot Scout, only to get gunned down by Dr. Wolf's Mini-Sentry and my revolver gun.

"But we can't just leave them behind!" Finn states. "They're our friends! We should be fighting together, as a team."

"Finn, we have to..." The doc starts, but Finn rambles on, "I mean what if Eli runs out of ammo and can't quench her thirst for destruction? What if Kim need an extra pair of shades? What is Blissey needs someone to kiss her booboos? What if Crimson wants another shake, I mean he doesn't know how to use the oven-"

Wait, what?

"Finn!" I snap.

He turns to me and I say, "I don't know what you guys are really doing," I say trying not to panic at the confusion of the situation, "Your need here and we have each other back at the base, we'll be fine."

"She's right," Dr. Wolf says. "We can't help them unless we reach our goal." he said sternly. "They've put all their faith and trust on us to get them out of here safely. And we have to trust that they'll hold out. Now pick up your Wrench and move that gear up!" He ordered.

Finn saluted and packed up one of his Level 2 Sentries. Doc's Mini-Sentry shoot out a rocket, blowing off the head of one of the Heavy robots, which fell onto the Mini-Sentry.

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