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I smile too, run back outside, and call over my shoulder to Firebrand, "Make the announcement, I'm going to try to slow some bots down so the others can go first."

Once outside I see that we still have the upper hand against the robots, Voice and Goldie got each others back, EliYora just burned up a bunch of Heavy robots, and Crimson, who is still the creature, was chasing after the flying Soldier robots, and Silver was holding up well, considering of how many bullets he has.

"Hey, listen up! Doc's plan worked, everyone start falling back to the spawn room and we can get out of here!" Firebrand says over the communication system.

"Let's go!" I say.

"All right, way to go Doc!" says Bliss, who jumped onto Silver's back, "Hi ho, Silver, away!"

Silver shifted his Heavy gun and says, "We talked about this, I am only allowing it because you're cute,"

"And your magic could kill him." I add.

"I am program to give you a sensible haircut!" A robot Heavy says as it approaches us.

"Wah oh!" The three of us say in unison, as we back up.

"I am programmed to be scary!" drones the same Heavy, approaching us without firing on us for some reason.

"I am a robot!" another Heavy says, approaching from behind." "Bloop! What is love, come with me if you want to live, with me, in my apartment. I need a roommate." adds another.

We are getting surrounded by Heavies and they all open fire at the same time. There is no way out, not even Lightning Bliss could teleport us out of there fast enough.

I could activate my flames, but the robots are so close, I might accidentally hurt Silver or Bliss. Me and Silver frowned at them. We looked at each, then at Bliss, and nodded. We pull Lightning Bliss off Silver's back and hold her in his claws and my hooves.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" Lighting demands. "Put me down!"

"Nobody twitch a servo!" Silver tells them and the Heavies started to back off.

We pull on Lightning Bliss's tail, somehow making the sound of cocking a shotgun.

"We are armed with weaponized cuteness and a history of poor choices!" I warn them.

"Uh, you two seriously think this is gonna work?" Bliss ask.

And right on cue, all of the Heavies, one by one, get a Blue Screen of Death, with Too Cute in their optics, sparked and fell down, offline. Except for one.

"Beep boop son, beep boop." it told us, then exploded.

We put Bliss down and cheered, "Yay!"

"Oh for flop sake, it's always because I'm cute." Lightning Bliss says looking unhappy.

I look up to see Maddie and Eliyora.

"Oh, we're falling back? Good, finally, wait where's Crimson?" Maddie asks, turning around to Eliyora.

"Oh, he's, uh, coping." Eliyora says, going back to find Crimson.

I then turn to see Crimson still in his devil form.

"I am Painis Milkshake. I will eat you." 'Painis Milkshake' growls, firing at the Robots.

"Let it go, Crimson, it wasn't going to bring all ze colts to ze yard anyway." Says Thespio, dragging him away with his magic.

"Where is everybody, I can't see!" Sweetie complains, she swung her sword around so randomly.

The light from her eyepatch was now a blinding lime green with lightning coming out of it that was making it hard for her to see.

TF2 Analysis: "Seven Nation Army": The MovieWhere stories live. Discover now