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It's been a couple days since I been here and I think I been getting better at being the Spy, but still not as good as Thespio. I was really having fun. I even rarely had to use my powers, though I am a punching bag in this game, but Silver still beats me by a mile stone. The only two who know about them are Firebrand and Silver Quill, but they promise to keep quiet about it.

Anyway, in my Red Spy uniform, I'm walking with Firebrand and AnY, who is a earth pony with a brown coat, blue mane, has a hand holding the earth cutie mark, and is wearing the Demo gear.

Firebrand sighs and says, "Ugh, we been over this, I'm the medic. I get first pick because I started this team, why is that so hard to understand?"

AnY protests in thick German accent, "Look, my Germaneness is ze one thing I've got zat no one else has. And ze way you play ze Medic is a disgrace! I haven't seen you heal one pony since we started zis team."

"Well, I think he is a great medic." I say.

Firebrand smiles and I continued, "Besides, it just goes to show that the red team is the best, since nobody never actually gets hurt."

"He is still a disgrace" AnY says.

"Oh really AnY?" Maddie asks, an earth pony with with a light blue coat, gray socks, dark blue mane, a light bulb cutie mark, and wearing the Soldier gear along with a plaid scarf, trotting up to us in a much thicker Scottish accent,

"You want to talk about an absolute disgrace? Every time I hear you using a Scottish accent, it's like hearing horseshoes scraping a chalkboard!" she snapped at him, walking along with the us. "I'm the one who should be the Demo Pony on this team!"

"Yeah, and I shouldn't be ze Spy." I say sarcastically in a french accent.

"Yeah, you do better as a soldier." AnY says.

"Do you not know sarcasm when you hear it?" Maddie ask him.

Then Firebrand speaks up, "You know what, I don't give a flying feather about your accent not matching your class, I'm not about to treat you differently because of your race."

"Ditto to that." I say in my normal voice.

The two of them looked at us in shock and AnY says, "Oh... wow... when you put it like that, yikes."

"Besides, you should count your blessings, at least we didn't get Antony C as anything. I mean, you guys screwing up your accents is funny." Firebrand points out.

"We don't ever want to hear an Australian trying to do a American accent ever again." I say and he nods.

Suddenly the speakers turn on and I could hear Dusty Katt's voice, with an Australian accent, say, "Well, what about an American trying to do an Aussie accent?"

Then he comes crashing down. He has a tan coat, a black and gray mane, but his tail orange instead of gray, a dumbbell cutie mark, has a Australian hat, and baggy brown shorts. on his eyes, there is fluorescent mascara like King Sombra. he's also wearing the Alicorn Amulet, and somehow he has chest hair.

"G'day." He says smiling wickedly.

We all look at him, then we all recover from our shocks very quickly. I pull out my Revolver, Maddie pulls out her Sword and AnY pulls out his Grenade Launcher.

Maddie yells, "Kill him!"

Firebrand, about to pull out his own weapon, gets a falcon punch in the face by Dusty Katt sents him literally flying into the distance, much to our surprise. I just started running towards the base to warn Dr. Wolf.

Behind me, I could hear Mad Munchkin yell, "Run!"

I finally got to the base and found Dr. Wolf. "Doc! We got a problem!" I say.

TF2 Analysis: "Seven Nation Army": The MovieWhere stories live. Discover now