My Statement on Toonkriticy2k

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Hey, this isn't an acutal chapter, but I need to send out.

I'm a BIG fan of MLP and love it with all my heart. I also love all the bronies and pegasisters who helped shape the Brony commite to what it is today. But sadly, something has come up.

Some maybe familiar with the brony Toonkriticy2k, and may or may not heard this, but ever since last year, he has been involed with sexually roleplay with a minor. During January 2018, she finally decided to speak up. She didn't do this eariler because he manipulated her to.

I am honestly right now disgusted, appalled, and angry of has happened in the community.

I'm not directly in the Brony fandom, but it still pains me how it could happen.

He is in the hands of the authorities now and his channel has been deactivated.

I can't say anything more on this for I didn't know him personally, but this is what I want to say to him.

You are a monster for doing something like to a 14 year old. I don't wish you dead, but I sincerely hope you pay for your crimes.

To the readers: By the time you read this, I would have replace Toon with another name for I don't to bring anything about him up again. And I would also taken down the original video of the story. But I will not be taking down the story itself. I pride myself in my writing and I will not let a monster like him degrade me or other MLP fans.

And here my last note; If you being sexually abused or know some who is, speak up. People like him are why America is what it is now a days. And I do not want my home to become something our ancestors didn't want. We all have a voice and I encourage all of you, everyone, to speak up. Don't be shunned by evil, do the right thing, even if you're afraid.

If you want more information on the situation, here, but it isn't pleasent:

That's all, but know that you can change America for the better. Don't let people like him take over, stand up, speak up, as one.

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