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Jung Leeka's POV
I'm so excited! We've arrived at the Arcade, it's been so long since I've played and enjoyed here. I'm so fucking ready!

Jimin-"So, wanna buy VIP cards?"

V.I.P cards? Geez, when it was elementary and high school days only rich kids and important ones get those. Now, I can finally be one of them!!

"NE. GAJAA!" I clinged to his elbow and we went to the Ahjumma near selling the cards.

Ahjumma-"Annyeong. May I help you?" She asked.

"Ne, two V.I.P cards please." I replied.

Jimin-"Two?" He asked me.

"Ne. Aren't you playing?" I asked and he frowned.

Jimin-"You see.. I don't usually go to these places.. I forgot how.." he replied and blushed a bit.

"It's okay. I'll teach you!" I smiled and he smiled back.

Ahjumma-"What a very cute couple. Here is your cards. You get it for free since, you guys made my day so romantic and lit." She gave us the cards.

But, wait


Park Jimin's POV
We got the cards for free because she thought we were a couple?

Leeka-"Kamsamnida ahjumma." She bowed and pulled me inside.

How cute. We are a couple? That's kinda cute

She looked so excited. Sadly, I don't know this kind for things. I forgot..

Leeka-"Wanna play racing?" She asked.

I couldn't say no. That would be embarrassing... but, I don't know how to operate properly.. Geez

"U-ugh.. sure" she pulled me to two go carts and we ride each one.

She started to pick her car and stuff. I was just watching and pretending I know what I'm doing..

Leeka-"Come here." She went to my go cart. We both shared one go cart..

She was an inch close to me.

Leeka-"I'll teach you." My hands were on the steering wheel.

She placed her hands on top of mine and started to operate it. Her hands feels soft.

Her small thumbs were in between mine. Her soft palm that is soothing on top of mine.. it feels good.

Tha game ended and she let go of my hands. I didn't want to end that though..

"Is it finish already?" I asked and she nodded and giggled.

Leeka-"I enjoyed it. Did you?" She asked. I felt my cheeks very hot and just nodded in response.

Leeka-"Gaja. Wanna play more?" She asked.

I nodded and we went on different games.

It was so fun but, for some reason. I missed her hands touching onto mine.

It just felt really soft and comfy.. would it be weird if I connected it to mine.

Jung Leeka's POV
Today was a very tiring but, very fun day. We went to the arcade and also to an cute gift shop. It's so cute.

We haven't eaten yet though. I was very hungry and so did he.

"Where do you want to eat?" I asked him.

He was spacing out and blushing very hard. It's getting weird.. until, I felt a hand connect to mine.

Jimin-"I'm tired leeka. Let's go home and eat there." He glanced and smiled.

I couldn't say anything. I'm loss for words. His hands feels so soft and secured. We looked like a real couple because, on our way. He wasn't letting go of my hands.

It didn't really felt awkward to me. But, it just felt weird. It felt like we are real couples but, we arent.

We arrived at home and we both sat down at the sofa because, we were too tired.

Jimin-"I'm sorry if it's awkward but, for some reason I liked it when you touched my hand.." he confessed and blushed.

"Cute lil' mochi.. " I giggled and he let go of my hand.

Jimin-"I guess it's awkward for you.." he frowned.

"Weird. But, I liked it too" I confessed and he lit up.

Jimin-"aww, I guess we have weird habits of holding hands." He was rubbing his neck..

"Ne.. that isn't too weird I mean we are acting as couples. So, that's part of it right?" I smiled.

Jimin-"right." He whispered.

"Anyways, I'll cook food. Brb" I ran to the kitchen and cooked some food.

We ate our dinner and went to our rooms to take a bath and change clothes. We sat down again at the sofa and decided to watch a movie.


Jimin-"what movie do you wanna watch?

"I don't know. You choose" he looked at the CD's and placed on inside the player.

We watched the movie. It was so, funny and intense.

After maybe half of the movie has passed. I saw Jimin sleeping already. If he doesn't change his position he would get stiff neck in the morning.

I placed his head on my lap and his whole body in a lying down position.

I placed a blanket on his body since, it would get cold soon. We didn't sleep in our rooms. Instead, at the living room.

Well, goodnight. I turned off the Movie. Since, I've finished it.

I stroked Jimin's hair and suddenly he whispered.

Jimin-'L-leeka.. w-will u.. d-deyt m-mi i-ip I asked y-you? J-jebal.. just h-hold mi h-handue.." (Im literally dying ya'll ㅋㅋㅋ)

I guess he was dreaming.

He said to hold his hand? And date me?! Omo~

I was giggling and a hint of smile seen on my face. I didn't hesitate and held his hand.
His face smiled.

Jimin-"k-kamsamnidaaahh" he went back to sleep after.

Why do I feel butterflies in my tummy?

Perfect act ♠︎ p.jmWhere stories live. Discover now