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Today is the day.. The day, I will finally and officially be called Mrs. Park

I can't wait!

The others and I spent the night on a fancy hotel. Today will be a very busy but, unforgettable day.

Aigoo, I can imagine Jimin and I having a family..

Anyways, someone already knocked on my door. It's the make up artist and the other staffs.

Their was also a waiter?

Waiter-"Have your breakfast first." She bowed then left.

I smiled and ate my breakfast which was Pancakes and bacons.

'They sure are fancy' I chuckled.

Park Jimin's POV
A ton of people went in our rooms, as well as our managers.

PD-nim-"Isn't it my favorite rice cake?" PD-nim chuckles.

PD-nim-"I honestly, support the both of you." He smiles

"Kamsamnida!" I eyesmiled and all I heard was their laughs.

'This is going to be AMAZINGGG!' I bit my bottom lip to avoid myself from squealing everywhere.

'What could Leeka be doing right now?' I asked myself.

Jung Leeka's POV
Geez! This dress is seriously making my belly fat..


"Ya, d-don't I look f-fat?" I whispered to the make up artist.

Make-up-"No way!" She exclaims

"Jinjja?" I asked, squinting my eyes.

I know I look like a pig but, anyways..

After an hour..

Someone knocked at our door. Everything was settled, the dress, the makeup, the high ass heels.

Yeah, that's all settled.

"Ma'am it's time for the actual ceremony."

Calm down your horses!!!!

Park Jimin's POV
Someone knocked in our room while we were having our quality time.

"Sir, it's time for the ceremony."


"Calm your horses!!" I panicked and inhaled and exhaled back and forth.

Yoongi-"Everything will go to as planned." Yoongi encouraged and we all stormed to the ceremony.

'It's time.'

Another Hour..

The bridesmaids has walked down the aisle I waited beside the hyungs and maknaes.

We all waited to The Bride.

Jung Hoseok's POV
I can't believe my sister is getting married!

I was beside her since I'm the only actual family member left.

Leeka-"Do I look okay?" She asks

"You look stunning!" I smiled

Leeka-"Jinjja?" She asks

"Of course, my sister always looks good." I grinned almost tearing up

"Your not a baby anymore~" I cupped her cheeks

Leeka-"Don't cry oppa~" she teared up

"Aww, you too~" and we started hugging like weirdo's

Jung Leeka's POV
It's time.

The door slowly opened and we were greeted by a ton of people, including armies.

Girl-"Omo~ unnie, you look stunning" one girl squealed and I just smiled and wiped my tears

Hoseok-"They're stunned, look at Ride Jimin over there." He whispered

I glanced at Jimin and..

Holy cow.

We walked down the aisle until, Mr. Ride Jimin took my hand and he was blushing MAX!

Park Jimin's POV

BTS-"YIEEEEEE!" The boys squealed when we finally took each others hands.

Leeka-"Hello, Mr. Park." She smiled


"Hi, Mrs. Park." I smiled and from that the ceremony began.

Jung Hoseok's POV
Priest-"Do you Park Jimin take Jung Leeka as your beloved wife?"

Jimin-"Heck yes!" He exclaimed and we laughed.

Priest-"Do you Jung Leeka, take Park Jimin as your beloved husband?"


BTS-"YIEEEEE!" We exclaimed and the priest gave us a death glare.


Priest-"You may now kiss the bride."

This was like watching a k-drama. From that they kissed.

Jung Leeka's POV
Jimin's lips was so pouty and juicy-

Wait, what-

Park Jimin's POV
After the ceremony Leeka and I were now officially newly weds it was so much than what I imagined.

Jung Leeka's POV
And from this day forward, You can now call me Mrs. Park and I'm happy to tell that

They truly had the Perfect Act.

The end.

Perfect act ♠︎ p.jmWhere stories live. Discover now