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When they left the island Shachi and Penguin were starting to follow her around. She would end up hiding herself until it was time to cook. She did not have to but it was interesting to watch them all eat like they were starving. She was feeding on them when they slept but it was only in little doses so it seemed fair for her to feed them.

She was probably the most unusual Royal ever. Speaking of her kind she had decided to travel with the Heart pirates for a little longer. They were a amusing bunch, even their captain amused her. Speaking of the captain he seemed to be up to something, he wanted her to travel with them.

Bepo on the other hand was the only one she did trust, the bear would not tell her secrets and was okay with her. She guessed he just trusted her. Who knows why but the bear was not a normal bear and that was okay. For dinner she had cooked Sea King meat and put some Northern spices that made the crew drool. Along with the meat she made a tossed salad.

Bepo devoured the Sea King, he did not have to and did not eat the salad. Law enjoyed his coffee while he ate. Something was going on in that human's mind.

Most of the crew were asleep. Law had called for her. The Med Bay. Something told her not to go in but she was a pure blood royal vampire. She could deal with one measly human even if he used his Devil fruit. When she entered Law looked at her and told her to have a seat. He checked her eyes and did other tests. When e told her to undress well that was not going to happen.

She changed into a flock of bats and flew out of the room. She had left a crack in the door. That night she hid until Law went to his room to read. She on the other hand visited the crew to feed. Law stayed awake the whole night not knowing she was feeding on his crew. Bepo was never fed on so the only ones that did not donate blood were Law and Bepo.

When the reached the next island, she had all ready fed them all. The group of pervs went drinking while she just wandered around. The island was not very big, only three towns occupied the island. She had explored the forests and observed its animals. It was nice and since they stayed on the island she stayed their.

The Heart pirates did not bother trying to find her. Bepo probably told them not to and that she would be fine. She fed on the townspeople while they slept. They were not even sluggish so the pirates got to rest. Bepo had told her how the crew acted when they drank, Shachi would dance drunkenly on the tables. There were other things but mainly someone had to watch the drunken idiots.

She could hear them from her spot so she understood Bepo and did not question. Law was getting some medical supplies. Law, after her bat disappearance, he did not try another examination and wisely did not bother her. He would smirk at her, maybe ha was amused.

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