Chapter 2

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It wasn't long before the children all arrived at Hogwarts, their new home for the next coming year.
Snape wasn't quite fond of the people that surrounded him already.
Being pushed around and bumped into while the students ran up the great stone stairs of the school didn't help his mood either.
He just wished he could be alone in the school and not have to deal with other students, especially the ones like Potter.
He already knew how his dream Hogwarts would be like. With teachers paying all attention to Snape, learning tons of magic spells and potions. He was the most interested in the dark arts though. The trill it brought excited Snape to the point where he questioned his sanity, liking a subject over the rest didn't make him insane is what he learned from that and just like how wanting no one but Lily to join classes with him made him a lunatic.

The students were lead into the great hall where they all gathered around in a perfect line. In front of them, right across was a wood stool that rested the most powerful hat in the wizarding world. The sorting hat it was called. Of course Snape knew everything about it, especially since it held the powers to put the new wizards into their houses. Snape had always dreamed about this day where he would sit on that very stool and be sorted into his house.
Behind the wooden stool laid a huge table on which sat the greatest wizards of history of witchcraft. It put a small smile on Snape's face knowing that they would be the teachers to teach him.
Being from an unhappy broken family, he finally felt that he belonged. Hogwarts wasn't going to be just a school to him.
He turned his head and looked over at the girl standing beside him.


She made him feel loved and he was thankful of her. His mind did rush to the thought of what if their houses are separated. They would still be friends, right?

"We will now start the sorting ceremony. When called, please step forward so I can place this sorting hat over your head." A witch stepped forward. She had long blonde locks and more an emerald-green robe that covered her black dress. She reminded Snape of her mother in her Hogwarts days, only that his mother possessed long black curly locks unlike the silky straight blonde hair the witch in front of him owned.

It wasn't long before his name was called. With heavy steps he stepped up and took a seat on the wood stool, his curly black locks covering his eyes from the audience that stared at him as if he was an animal. It burned him.

"Hmm... You got a brilliant mind you know?" The hat creased as it formed a mouth and talked.
"Yeah?" Snape talked back, his face remaining cold and emotionless.
"You will be a great wizard in the future. Remember that." The hat said as it wiggled around on top of Snape's head.
"I put you in... Slytherin!" With a yell of the hat his house and his fate was decided. He was proud to be part of Slytherin as he rushed over to his table, being greeted by wizards just like him. He was happy indeed. He belonged here. It was home now.

"Potter, James!" The witch called out. Snape lifted his head up with a disinterested look as he stared at Potter.
"Gryffindor!" The hat yelled and James got off his seat with a smug smile as he walked over to his house confidently. Snape hated his smugness.

"Evans, Lily!" The witch announced the name he most anxiously waited for and not long after lily stepped up and took a seat on the wooden chair.
If possible Snape would feel his palms sweating as he waited for the hat to announce her house.
"Please be Slytherin... Please-"
A grunt left his lips as he punched the wood table in anger.

She was in the same house as that Potter.

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