Chapter 4

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"Severus Snape. And where were you?" Snape panted as he entered the potions class. He was late sadly. He just wanted to see a glimpse of lily that he couldn't. This hadn't worked out as he had planned.

"I am sorry professor, I overslept." He lied as he took his seat in front of the class.

It was no denying that Snape was the best at what he did and no teacher questioned it. He always had the free pass when it came to being late to his classes. Some hated him for that, especially Potter who seemed way too busy with quidditch and would often get detention for being late to class.

"Professor Sulghorn..." Snape stepped up as the class was over. He glanced over his shoulder and waited for the students to leave before he cleared his throat.
"How exactly can you create a spell?" He asked, his eyes filled with curiosity.
"Snape, I am afraid I can't tell you that. You are a first year student." Said Sulghorn with concern written all over his face.

Taking his defeat he walked out of the class only to bump into a fellow housemate.

He was a tall boy, just like Snape himself. Snape actually found his dark jokes funny and liked being around the boy and as time passed he only became fonder of his friend.

It was something that Snape noticed, lily disliked.

"Why are you friends with him? Have you seen him? His jokes are disgusting and very sadistic, I don't understand how you relate to him at all." She would always argue.
"And you being friends with Potter is okay?" Snape would reply back to her with the same argument.
"James is nice! And you are my best friend, for god's sake."
"Doesn't feel like it."

"Snape. Can you come see me in my office for a bit." He heard and walked back to the potions class following his professor, leaving Avery behind.

"You must not tell anyone about this." Sulghorn took a deep breath and pulled out a small book that was covered in torn black leather. It looked old and was sure at its end times with the binding almost getting lose in Snape's hold.

"Yes professor." He placed the book near his chest and hid it under his robe before he rushed back to his room.

Snape had decided to skip classes and venture on the new material his professor had just handed him.

"Dark Arts, The Unknown." The title read. He smiled as he sat in bed, flipping through the delicate pages of the book.

Dark Arts had always been Snape's main interest and all his teachers knew that. Even Lily knew that Snape had a special space in his heart for the subject of Dark Arts.

The book contained powerful spells, neat tricks and a lot more information he could ever receive from the school library where he usually stayed during his free time, reading books that interested him.

Snape was introverted which lead him to stay alone most of the time but he didn't mind that since he learned more from being alone than being around a bunch of gossiping teenagers.

He was indeed different.

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