Chapter 9

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The raindrops attacked the window, falling like bullets from the sky yet he remained silent. The only light illuminating the room coming from the candle that rested on the table top, slowly reaching its end too with melted wax pooling around its edges.

He sighed once and he sighed again. Snape grunted as he ran his fingers through his thick curly black hair.

It had been over a few years since Lily left him and yet he couldn't stop but dream about her every so often. Her long locks and those beautiful eyes that would make him go speechless from the sheer beauty.

Oh, how he missed her.

He closed his eyes and leaned back on his bed, almost falling with a soft thud. Keeping his eyes closed he relaxed his body letting the smooth comforter mold around his body.

"What's the point of all this?"

"What's the point if you aren't here, beside me?"

His hand stretched out and clenched the bed sheets in his hands. He grunted only to loosen his grip soon after.

"This is sanity."

"You kept me sane."

Getting up from his bed he grabbed his wand and a robe. Wrapping the fabric around and over his head, he headed out – not caring as the rain poured down on him.

He was soaking wet but who would stop him?

Before he knew Severus's steps lead him to the playground him and Lily often visited. He was no stranger to this place. He knew every corner of this playground and with every corner he remembered a single memory attached to it all.

The swings, he remembered, where Lily used to share most of her crazy stories. Like how one time her mother who is a witch accidently burned her dad's clothes while she tried to perform basic muggle tasks.

Purebloods weren't quite used to the muggle world.

He made his way to the tree that had grown over the years with them. It seemed so dead without lily's presence.

Was it always like this?

He stepped back and looked around the huge standing tree. All its leaves had fallen and it seemed to bend over, defeated.

Just like him.

Severus never took notice of the rotting world until now.

How blinding.

He sighed and pulled out his wand deciding to help the tree live a bit longer. It couldn't die, not yet and with a swish of his wand the tree slowly moved and with a blink of an eye it had its color back.

Just like how he remembered.

Just like how Lily remembered.

Snape made his way and took a seat at the swings that seemed too fragile now to hold his weight but with another swish, there he was levitating right over the old swing set.

Defeated was not enough to express what he felt. He wanted his revenge but even being the best there was in dark arts he couldn't defeat Voldermort even if he tried to.

A spell is all it took to kill someone, but how could he kill Voldermort who was already dead?

How could he? He couldn't even revive the dead.

"Severus..." A soft voice rang through his ears. He knew that voice and could tell it even if he was dreaming.

"Lily..." He whispered back and lifted his head up and there she was. Glowing like a beautiful goddess. Her hair tied back in a taut ponytail and her lips curled up in a small smile. Her eyes... oh what could he say about her eyes?

"Dance with me in the rain, Severus?" She asked, holding out her hand to the man that stared right at the girl both confused and shocked.

Who was he to deny?

Grabbing the girl's small hand he stood up right on his feet and took a deep breath, too scared to blink his eyes. Afraid she might disappear as soon as he did.
He carefully placed his cold hand on her tiny waist and held her hand in his gently. Unlike before, this Lily smiled. She smiled and moved closer to him before she took her first step, pulling Snape with her to dance and so they did. They danced. The rain poured harder but he didn't blink once. The tears in his eyes only disappeared with time.

He was happy.

So happy.

He carefully pulled the girl closer to him to which she happily seemed to oblige. Her hands pulled away from Snape's grip as she wrapped her thin arms around his waist and hugged him, her head resting on his chest as they now swayed side to side. He held her tight in his arms, his chin resting on top of her head as he smiled.

"I love you so much, my lily..." He whispered as he pulled away to look at the girl in his arms.

"I know..." She chuckled and held his robe in her tiny fist.

Severus stared at her.

Oh, how he missed seeing her smile.

His lips twitched up in a smile as he cupped her cheek gently and creased it with his thumb, her pale glowing skin only radiating more under his touch. He dipped down and without thinking twice pressed his lips against her soft warm ones. He felt warmth take over his body; the angry rain and the storm didn't bother him anymore. He wasn't cold. He was happy. He had his lily, right in his arms. He felt a cold touch on his cheek when he pulled away to look at the girl in his arms, her bright green eyes slowly turning white and her skin turning pale. Before he could stop it, he was grabbing onto thin air. The smile that once homed his lips turning into a frown. His fists clenching around the air as he looked around, his vision spinning around.

He screamed.

He cried.

She wasn't there.

Lily was not there.

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