Chapter 1-Contest Winner

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Your POV

(Y/N)=Your Name

I was sitting in my living room watching the channel that they would be announcing the BTS contest winner on. I of course entered because I couldn't pass up the reward, one month stay with BTS! Its been my dream to meet them, but sadly I don't speak Korean well, I've been taking lessons so maybe one day I can go to one of their fan meets. I've only been five of their concerts and they were highly amazing.

"Hello everyone and welcome! Today we will be announcing who will get to stay with BTS for a whole month! And the winner is... (Y/N)!" the young man said excitedly. I stood there in shock, they announced my name! It had to be some kind mistake, right? I went to my computer to see if I got an email about the contest, and there it was in bold letters...

"Dear (Y/N),

we are here to tell you that you have won the BTS contest! We will pick you up at noon tomorrow and take you to a BTS concert in Korea. Afterwards someone will be there to escort you backstage to meet all of the members. You will ride home with them so have a nice stay at the Bangtan household.

-BTS's manger"

I covered my mouth in shock, I couldn't believe that this was really happening. I'm going to meet BTS! I ran to my room to pack a months worth of clothes and everything else I needed for the trip. I also included to add some BTS merchandise since I will be going to a concert.

After I was done packing I checked the time, it was only 6 pm so I decided to cook some ramen for a quick meal. I sat on the couch and ate my ramen while watching tv. When I finished I decided to take a shower and get ready for bed. By the time I was done it was 9 PM, I hopped into my bed and instantly fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning and instantly checked the time to make sure I wasn't going to run late for the concert. I got up and made myself some breakfast and got changed. I decided to wear BTS merchandise to the concert. I was wearing a black and white sweater that said BTS on it with all of the members names on the back. Along with that I wore black leggings and red converses. I decided to braid my hair to the side, and to put on light makeup. Once I was done it was time to go. I grabbed my ticket that the manger sent over along with my phone. The manger said that we would be back here to pick up my things after I meet the members so I was pretty excited.

I got to the concert and there was a huge line outside. I was in a VIP seat so I didn't need to wait in line. I went up and gave them my ticket and they told me where to go, when I found my place I updated my Instagram saying that I was at a BTS concert and won the contest.

Soon the concert started and all the members came out and starting singing "Save Me" I was singing along with them, I knew every song by them. I saw J-hope lock eyes for me for a few seconds, he smiled while he sang and I couldn't help but to smile brightly.

After the concert I wait for someone to assist me backstage. After 10 minutes he arrived. "Are you (Y/N)?" The man asked me. I nodded and he escorted me backstage. At this point I was kind of nervous I was going to meet them.

I was also scared cause I still am not fluent in Korean even though I've been practicing for years, I am glad that they could understand what I'm saying. As I walked backstage my heart started beating faster and faster, I felt like it was going to explode out of my chest at any moment.

I remembered that I brought a device that translates me to Korean so I quickly got that out just in case.

We arrived to the dressing room minutes later, the man knocked a couple times before the door opened. The person who answered the door happened to be no other than Jimin himself.

The man said that I was the winner of the competition and that he wanted to meet all of the members. Jimin looked at me before opening the door wider to let me in. I slowly walked in and looked around, all of the members eyes were on me.
"Hello I'm Jimin, it's nice to finally meet you!" He said with a huge smile on his face.

"Hi I'm (Y/N), forgive me if I say some things wrong I'm not good with speaking Korean yet." I said shyly and looked down.

All the boys looked at me, " I guess we all should introduce ourselves." Jimin said
"I'm Rap Monster, leader of the group."

"I'm junkook, but you can call me kookie if you want!"

"I'm Suga."

"I'm Kim Tae-hyung but you can just call me V"

"I'm Jin!"

"And I'm J-hope!"

Everyone looked at me and smiled, I was blushing profusely. I looked at Everyone and smiled. All the boys went back to thier conversation. Rap Monster walked up to me and smiled before speaking. "Hey (Y/N) I can help you with Korean more and when you need help translating just speak to me I know more English than them so it will be easier for me to talk to you!" I smiled at him "Thank you Namjoon, I also got a translator device that helps me too if I need it when your not around." I said showing if to him. He smiled and patted me on the head.

It was time to go and the boys helped into their van. They asked my address so I can pick up my things, I told them and the driver started driving.
"So (Y/N) tell us about you." Jimin said. All the boys looked at me. "Well I'm from the US but recently moved to Korea a few years ago. I'm 20 years old and I live alone." I said getting basic information about myself. "What's your favorite color and food?" Jin asked. "Umm I would have to say teal is my favorite color and i don't really have a favorite food." I said laughing a bit. "When is your birthday?" J-Hope asked. "It's September 15th." "No way that's three days after mine!" Namjoon said happily.

We soon arrived to my household. I invited everyone in while I gathered my things up. Everyone looked around my house while I went to my bedroom. Jungkook ended up following me to my room. "Hey (Y/N), why do you live alone?" He questioned. "Well to put it simply I moved out of the US when I was 18, I planned on bringing my parents with me but they denied the idea and stay there." I stated while zipping up my bag. "Oh sorry to hear that." He said somewhat sad. I walked over to him and patted him on the shoulder to know it was okay, when I realized what I was doing I blushed and pulled away. But before I could he grabbed me and brought me into a hug. "Why are you so cute (Y/N)? You never failed to make me smile since we met." He said still hugging me.

We pulled away and I grabbed my things and walked back to the ready of the boys. "Ready to go?" Suga asked. I nodded, we loaded up my things and set off to their place.

We arrived 20 minutes later to a big White House. We got out of the van I looked around taking everything in. "Welcome to the Bangtan household." V said loudly while opening up the front door.

I walked in and was shocked, this place is so huge! I looked around a bit, the boys were watching me like their favorite tv show. I chuckled at my thoughts. "This place is huge!" I  said very loud. All of them laughed, J-hope showed me the room I will be staying in which was next to Namjoon's room. I blushed at the thought.

He excused himself so that I could get settled. I looked around the room, it had a queen size bed along with my own bathroom. The window was huge, the view from my window was amazing. I flopped down on my bed. It was hard to believe that I was here in the Bangtan household.

As I finished unpacking I heard a knock on my door, "come in!" I yelled as I was putting my last shirt away. As I looked over it revealed to be J-hope. "What do you need?" I asked nicely. He blushed which I thought it was something I would never see him do. "I wanted to say dinner was ready!" He said shyly. " okay I'll be down in a minute!" I said brightly. He nodded and walked away.

I made my way to the dining room where everyone was  getting ready, "Hey (Y/N) come sit by me!" Jungkook shouted. I nodded and sat between him and J-hope. Everyone smiled at me.
"Come on Suga don't do that at the table!" Jin scolded. I forgot Jin was like the mom of all the group members and Namjoon was the father. "I will act the way I want to!" Suga pouted, we all laughed at Suga's actions. "(Y/N) you have an adorable little laugh." Jungkook said. "I do not!" I said pointing a little and crossing my arms. Everyone started laughing at me. J-hope patted me on the head. I was really starting to feel comfortable around them like I was actually part of the group which made me happy. Please hope this one month doesn't go by so quickly.

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