Chapter 3- Everything's Changing

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Your POV

I woke up in my bed the next day, I don't remember going home or going to bed yesterday. I must of fell asleep in the practice room. I wonder who carried me home?

I got out of bed tiredly, I slowly walked over to my closet and picked out something to wear. I decided on a black crop top that says "FIGHTING!" Some black leggings and of course my red Converses. Once I picked my clothes I hopped in the shower to wash my hair.

Once I got out I brushed and blow dried my hair, got dressed. I unplugged my phone from my charger and headed downstairs. The boys were already at the dining table like always, I turned on my phone camera and put on selfie mode. I got in view making sure to show the rest of the boys. Everyone posed and I took the picture.

"I want to see how it turned out~!" Jungkook said cutely, I walked over to him and showed the picture I took. Everyone else walked over to see as well. "Awee you look so cute (Y/N)! J-Hope stated smiling. "So does Suga!" I said pointing to the picture. "I do not look cute I just have swag~" Suga said smirking.

I sat next to Namjoon and started eating breakfast while I did I posted that picture on my Instagram. "Hey (Y/N) later today would you like to practice with me so you can get better at dancing?" Namjoon asked me. "Sure! I would like that a lot" I smiled widely, He smiled as well and faced away from me. "Namjoon?" I asked he looked at me curiously. "Can you maybe teach me Korean I can't depend on you forever.." I said shyly while looking down and my plate and pouting.

"Sure we can do that after practice." He said pinching my cheeks, I blushed and looked away from him while he chuckled. We continued to eat and chat with everyone until some of the boys need to leave. Now it was only me, J-Hope and Namjoon left in the house. I decided to help clean up.

I grabbed the dirty dishes the boys left and started washing them. "(Y/N) you know you don't have to do that!" Namjoon stated standing up. "I want to after all you are helping me out enough and for once I want to help you guys!" I said smiling. "At least let us help!" J-Hope said grabbing a towel and drying the dishes I washed while Namjoon put them away. "By the way who carried me home last night cause I don't remember coming home?" I asked them. "I di-" "I did!"

 J-hope stated and smirked cutting off namjoon. J-Hope turned to Namjoon and gave him an evil smile. "Oh okay thank you!" I said giving him a side hug. 

Namjoon's POV

I can't believe J-Hope lied to (Y/N) like that! And I couldn't say anything about it. J-Hope if you ever break this girls heart I will break you. 

After we finished cleaning up me and (Y/N) went to the dance studio to practice our dancing. Once we arrived there we went into the dance room we were in yesterday. I put on a song and helped (Y/N) through the basics. she was starting to get the hang of it until (Y/N) tripped and almost fell but I caught her and we both fell to the ground.

We both stared into each other eyes, our faces were inches apart. We were both blushing, "OH MY GOD i'm so sorry!" We both said helping each other up. We continued dancing after that incident. 

After two hours of practice we decided to take a 20 minute break. (Y/N) slid down the wall and sat on the ground. I got us our water bottles and handed her to her, "Gamsahamnida~!"(It means thank you) She said smiling cutely. I sat beside her while she drank some of her water. "Your doing really well (Y/N) I can already see improvement from you!" I said happily. "Yeah I'm really glad that I get to dance with you and improve!" She said 

"Are you going to take that offer to try out for big hit entertainment?" I asked she looked at me before answering. "Yeah I will before my month is up with you guys but I want to improve more on dancing before doing that!" She said seriously. I smiled a bit when she said that, If she gets in then I'll be seeing her more.

I wasn't ready for the month to end because that means she leaves and she is all alone again. I was enjoying my time with her and hope for us to get closer as the days goes on, I want her to count on me and I want to be there to protect her.

We went back home and I helped her learn some basic Korean words she didn't know already. She took notes as I helped her so that she would remember. Once we were done studying we went downstairs to see if the boys were home.

"Hey about time you guys come out we were worried you guys died!" Jimin Joked "Namjoon here was just teaching me Korean!" (Y/N) said giving me a hug. "But I thought you spoke it already?" Jin said confused. "Well I do but I wasn't born here and I only moved here about five years ago and I only go to my classes twice a week." She stated shyly "Well we can all always help you!" V said patting her on the head. 

Your POV 

I was sitting on my bed messing around on my laptop when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I said and the door opened revealing J-Hope. "Hey (Y/N)!" J-Hope said happily while sitting on my bed. "Hey~Did you need something?" I said 

"Yeah actually... I wanted to know if you would like to go out tomorrow just you and me?" he said shyly while looking away to hide his blush. I found his actions highly adorable so I had to had to say yes. "Sure!" I said happily. His face lit up with happiness as he jumped off the bed. "Okay be ready by noon tomorrow!~" he said while leaving.

J-Hope's POV 

I walked out of (Y/N) room satisfied with my actions until I was roughly pushed against the wall. "What are you exactly planning to do to (Y/N)!" Namjoon yelled at me while roughly grabbing at my shirt. 

The rest of the boys were behind him with angry looking faces. "If you hurt (Y/N) feelings you will face a world full of hurt!" Jimin stated crossing his arms. Everyone else nodded in agreement. 

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