Fear of the Dark - Nyctophobia

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I have always been afraid of the dark, even as an adult. We are told as children that the monsters are in the dark and as long as we are good, they will stay in the dark. Well, I found out the hard way that was a lie.

I was always the good girl in school and at home. I got called miss goody two shoes by my younger sister and picked on at school by my schoolmates. I waited until college to let my bad side out and that is what has lead me to where I am now. Hiding in a dark closet hoping that the thing out there won't find me.

It all started a couple of months ago when I started college. I had moved into the girl's dorm with another girl named Stacey from my home town of Clearwater. She is very outspoken and friendly with everyone, me included. We didn't know each other back in high school because she went to a private school on the other side of town.

At first, it was cool hanging out with her but I soon realized that she always wanted to go at night after classes to whatever party was going on. I would come up with an excuse as to why I couldn't go out that night. Every time I thought about going out in the dark, I would get this prickly sensation in my spine, travelling up to my brain. I would be paralyzed with fear of what might be hiding in it.

After a few times of trying to get me to go out with her, she stopped asking then stopped talking to me altogether. I'm not a very shy person but I never really went out of my way to talk to people either. So, it really surprised me when a gorgeous guy named Jeremy came up to me and asked if I was dating anyone.

I was suspicious that it was some sort of prank that the frat boys were pulling on me with the help of Stacey, so I just ignored him and kept walking to my next class.  As I sat down, he walked up to me and told me that he was sorry that he offended me and that he wouldn't bother me anymore. I was shocked because if it had been a prank, he would have kept trying.  I didn't know that he had the same class as me because his last name started with a W, he sat in the back of the class.

When the professor released us for the day, I walked up to him and told him no I was dating anyone, then hurriedly walked away to go back to my dorm. I hear him shout out a whoop when he realized what I said. I smiled to myself and kept walking. We started dating after that and have been together for the last couple of months. 

Stacey was happy that I was dating someone and would make remarks that he at least got me out our room. She had heard that there was going to be a monster mid-term bash at this abandoned house on the other side of campus. It took us all afternoon to get ready for the party and I was really reluctant to leave because it started at 9 p.m but was reassured by both Jeremy and Stacey that it was going to be all lit up with lights and such. 

I was a fool to believe them because when we got to the house there wasn't anyone else here but a few couples with flashlights, candles, IPods and blankets. I wanted to leave but Jeremy was being extra supportive about my fear and Stacey bullied me into the house. Right away it felt different in the house, the dark rooms on either side of the hallway felt wrong, darker somehow.

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