Fear of Zombies - Kinemortophobia

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Most people had laughed at me when I would freak out at seeing zombies or hear the noise they make. We had gone to see the movie The Cabin in the Woods after I was told that it was a great paranormal movie. It was great until the zombie family came out of the ground and killed the girl. I screamed like, well like a girl. Everyone in the theater laughed at my reaction and my friends teased me all night after it ended. The only time I freaked out was when zombies of any kind came on the screen.

The blood and guts all over the place didn't bother me and I greatly enjoyed the movie until, you got it, ZOMBIES. I started crying and going into hysterics every time they came on. After that I couldn't watch movies or even commercials that had them without crying and going to hysterics. It was super bad at Halloween because all of my friends dressed up like them to get a reaction out of me.

Every time the doorbell rang, I didn't know if it was one of them or actual trick-or-treaters. My kids had to take over giving out the candy because I would become too afraid to open the door. Over the next couple of years my fears got worse, to the point that I couldn't walk in the dark for fear that one would jump out at me and bite me. I had sever nightmares every time I saw an ad for a new zombie movie.

I started doing research about the possibility of something like that happening for real and it shocked me to find out that there were actual scientists working on how to do it. With everything that I learned, I started zombie proofing my home. The contractors would laugh so hard when they would ask me why I was adding all of the modifications for my house. Some had to be replaced since they didn't take it seriously about what I wanted down.

They installed motion detector cameras all over the property, along the concrete reinforced fence spikes were added, reinforced bullet proof windows were installed, and each room had an escape hatch in the closet that led to a tunnel to concrete bunker under the house. All of the rooms had weapons that were designed for head bashing; neck, arm and leg armor sets for each of us were always within reach, and masking body odor lotion was everywhere in the house and on the property.

My friends stopped coming over and my neighbors complained about my constant walking of the property. I wanted to have a sniper's nest on top of the house but the city ordinance denied my petition and then came out and inspected my whole property. They thought I was crazy when I told them why I made the modifications. Yeah the jokes on them now.

Within a few months of completing my house, people around the world started getting sick and dying. But they weren't staying dead. In only a month over half of the population was either dead or undead. Scientists found out that people with certain diseases; cancer, blood disorders or neurological diseases could not be turned but instead became food for the undead. My kids have been staying down in the bunker for the most part because I don't want them to be exposed.

My gate fell to a horde of zombies last week and they have been trying to find a way in since then. There is one in particular that if he wasn't a zombie, it would be comical. My neighbor to my right was a retired Cali surfer boy and rocks for brains. He would bring me flowers from his gorgeous garden every day with little love poems. I turned him down politely last year when he had asked me out and we stayed good friends.

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