Fear of Graveyards - Coimetrophobia

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Property of ArtStation by Alexander Pavlenko

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Property of ArtStation by Alexander Pavlenko

"So is it done?" The frat president asked as we came in the door.

"Yeah, we found the key right where my dad said it would be. There weren't any problems getting inside the mausoleum. Keith, here got a little freaked out being in there because one of his cousins had been a victim. He stood guard just in case someone came by." I'm vice president and in charge of the initiation ritual for the new pledges.

The university had passed laws that we can't haze any more pledges since someone died at another campus in Georgia. So, we can't hit them, write on them, make them strip or run through campus in the underwear. And absolutely no alcohol to underage pledges. We would lose our charter, be expelled from school and possibly go to jail if we break any of them. Just Phi Beta Gamma, last year.

"Is it gory enough to scare the browndown out of them?" With a wicked smile, he smacks me on the back.

"Oh yeah, after tonight there is going to be a big mess in there. No more than what that man deserves if you ask me. Cutting them people up like that and do all that awful experimenting on them." I shake with revulsion at the thought of what Dr. Ezekiel Von Haubern did to his patients and homeless people from the streets.

A few years ago, there was a rash of people disappearing from the hospital and streets. The police never thought there was a connection between the cases since it contained people from the streets and patients from a well secured hospital. By the end of the case over fifty people had come up missing. Then a break came in the case when a deranged woman was found roaming the hospital halls.

She was from the homeless shelter on the other side of town and was screaming about men having babies and Frankenstein monsters. She was admitted to the hospital and during examination was found to a man's arm stitched to her stump. Later that night she died from a blood infection but it was never clear how she got in the hospital since none of the cameras had her coming in.

Dr. Haubern disappeared shortly after she had been found along with an ambulance. The police raided his compound out in the countryside and found him burning bodies. He was quickly arrested and his place was searched. Forty-five bodies were found in varying stages of decay and stages of experiments. One man was found to have a swollen belly with pregnant uterus and the woman it came from was missing both of her legs. Those were later found on another woman who had lost both of hers in a fire.

He never admitted where the missing bodies were and had defended his experiments in trying to save his patients. It took a short trial and verdict to find him guilty and he was dead by lethal injection by the end of the year. Shortly after he was buried, an anonymous buyer, built a mausoleum with a shrine to Haubern inside. The only way in was with a key that been hidden in the cemetery and only his devoted fans knew where it was, well except my dad who was the senior caretaker. The outside has been repainted every semester because students and families of the victims put graffiti all over it and the caretakers have to repair it.

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