Fear of Fire - Pyrophobia

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Diary Entry

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Diary Entry

January 28, 2017

Today at work, I escaped the clutches of death again. As far as I know this is the fourth time that fire has tried to claim my life. This time, I was at work using the only office printer we have on that floor and while using it a short in the power cord sparked and set the floor on fire. It had spread so quickly that it had burned about one third of the office before anyone realized that there was a fire. The sprinklers didn't kick in and everyone made a mad dash for the stairs. More people got hurt during the stampede of twenty have crazed people than the fire itself.

Our office is on the third floor of a five story building with the CEO and the CFO's located on the fifth floor. It didn't take long for everyone to get out but by the time the fire department was there, most of the building was on fire. All of us were sent to the hospital for smoke inhalation, stress, and one person had a heart attack during the panic of everyone getting out.

The department managers texted everyone that we will be moving our operations to another building once the CEO finds someplace for us to go. We will still get our paychecks during the relocation process but to expect to be back to work soon. While we were waiting at the hospital, people kept looking at me funny.

Those who work with me know about the fire that had occurred in my dorm when I was in college. It's where I got the burns on the left side of my body. The fire department ruled it as an accident by another student who left a candle burning in the room above me. I think that the next few days are going to be rough for me.

This is so unfair.

Diary Entry

February 17, 2017

The Fire Marshal was at our new temporary office to ask me some questions. Some of the other workers had told them that I was the only person over by the printer when the fire started. I told him what I had seen, that a spark shot out from the behind the printer as I copying a spreadsheet for the meeting later that day. When I looked behind the printer, I saw a small flame coming from the wire and then it ignited the carpeting. After that it spread so quickly that there was no stopping it.

He took several more statements and then left. For the rest of the day everyone was watching me including the floor supervisor. She even followed me into the bathroom and pretended to be using it. Almost as soon as I left, she was right behind me with her phone out facing me.

I wanted to cry because I know that they blame me for the fire. Something else happened today on my way home from work. A car was passing me on the street and backfired right in front of me and fire shot out. It looked like it was reaching for me and then disappeared as the car got further away. I came straight home instead of getting something eat from the deli across from my house.

I'm not looking forward to work tomorrow.

Diary Entry

April 22, 2017

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