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This night I was walking down the street from work. It was really dark out there, only street lamps were shinning. I was really tired. Suddenly I have heard a weird voice, so I stopped walking. And that weird voice stopped too. I only heard my heart beating.

I made few next steps and again... I heard that voice. But his time it was much more clearer.

'I will come back!'

I couldn't trust it... I heard a woman voice saying this sentence over and over. But no one was there with me.

'I will come back, if you help me.'

God, this must be a horrible dream, I thought. But unluckily it wasn't dream.

'I will come back, if you help me, Mark!'

Oh hell to the no. This just can not be true. How could some weird woman voice know my name? I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on something different.

'I will come back, if you help me, Mark! Just open your eyes!'

And I did...

I saw her. My mom. After fifteen years from that horrible accident. This was definitely her. But that is not possible. She died. She died before fifteen years, when I was six. She had a heart attack.

'I will come back, if you help me, Mark!'

No way. I was shocked. Was it really my mom? But how? She is dead. Dead people can not talk.

'Mom?' I said.

And then she disappeared.

'Mom! Where are you!' I shouted.

But no one was there. Only myself. Twenty-one years old guy, with no mother and no father. There is just nobody, who left me. Only my twin brother Joshua. I love him and I would die for him. We will always take care of each other. And I also have my uncle Roy.

So how was is possible. There is no way to my mom could be alive. But I saw her. It was her. Or I just had delusions. I hope so.

As soon as I got home, I went straight to bed. It was really though day for me, so I dropped of really quickly. But my dreams wasn't the best solution for my trouble.

Mother's Little KillerWhere stories live. Discover now