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Prague. What a beautiful city. I have been there once, before ten years I think, with my brother and uncle.

I got to the address, which my uncle wrote me, by cab. A pub was standing there. Ironic was, that this pub was called 'Vchod' and I searched for it and that means entrance in Czech. And that is exactly what I was looking for. The entrance to The Path.

I went into the pub and I came straight to a bar.

I have no idea, where the entrance could be. Well, I hope a bartender will know about it something.

'Hello. Do you speak English?' I asked him.

'Prosím? Nerozumím vám.' Said a bartender in a weird language, I guess it was Czech.

I have no idea how to ask him, when he couldn't understand me.

'Entrance? Where? Vchod? Do you understand? Witches!' And was moving like if I was Harry Potter, hoping, he will got it.

'Vchod?' He asked me.

I nodded.

And then he pointed to old door behind bar.

'Thank you.'

And I went straight to that door.

I opened it. It was really cold there. Only what I saw was a lot of stairs. Stairs to hell, I guessed.

After few steps I wanted to use light of my phone. But suddenly, it was not working. Weird.

After next ten steps I heard some voices.

'Leave! Leave!' They were screaming.

I was scared.


My mother was standing in front of me.

'Son, you have to leave immediately! You are not powerful enough.'

This is what their warning was about. This was just delusion, my mother was not here. This is just delusion. I repeated this sentence over and over.

'Mark, you can't do this. Leave!' The ghost screamed.

'No! I know you are not real!' I screamed to her.

And she disappeared. I thought, that this wast the end. But it was just beginning.

Finally stairway ended, so I was walking through a narrow corridor.

Suddenly I heard a noise. And then I saw it. A big bus was riding against me. What? I wanted to run back. But then I realized, that this is just another delusion. So I took the risk and stopped with walking.

Only about 50 meters were remaining until the bus was going to drag me down. Am I going to die? Nothing.

Luckily it just disappeared as same as my mother's ghost.

So I made another few steps. I heard noise of chains. I was not afraid anymore, so I went on.

'Mark? Mark, help me!' Someone said silently.

After few steps I saw a body of man. He was chained to wall. His body was just helplessly leaning there.

'Mark? Mark? Come to me, I need help. Help me please.'

And as I came to the body, I recognized the face of this man. Joshua.

What is he doing here? I was really scared. I didn't want them to hurt my brother.

'Joshua?' I asked.

'Yeah, it is me. They kidnapped me. They said, you have to choose. Me or The Blood. And if you will continue, they will kill me. Please save me, Mark.'

'Of course I will save you, brother. There is nothing more important for me, than your life. Just let me...' And I haven't finish it.

I realized, that this is just another delusion. Of course this is not my brother. He is sleeping home. What should he be doing here?

I stood up a went on.

'Mark? What are you doing? Save me!'

'Come on, I know you are not real.'

'What Of course I am! Help me!'

'No you are not!' I screamed.

And then the body disappeared.

I went on. God, is this path endless or what? I think, I was walking there about an hour.

And then the corridor started to get broader and broader. After next ten steps I saw the light. And then I saw old wooden door. I opened it.


A lot of witches were there. And they said that word like one man.

'Hello.' I answered.

'What are you looking for?' Again, I think more than ten old witches said it like one man.

'The Blood.'

'Then, you will have to answer us one question. If you will succeed, we will give you The Blood. If you won't, you will become one of us.' They said.

'Ok, what is The Question?' I shouldn't ask.

After few seconds, which was like hundreds of years to me, they said:

'The Question is....'

And then, they said it.

'...What is the name of The First Bohemian Witch?'


Oh hell to the no.

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