Trip to Bohemia

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Wow, let my soul die? What is it going to be after that? After my soul will die? I do not think it is going to be nice.

My musing interrupted sound of my phone. I had a new message.

'Meet me tomorrow after school in my house. Roy.'

My uncle texted me that. God, I am so happy that he is ok. But I am also really curious, why does he want to meet me. Well, I will see that tomorrow.

Next day, after school, I drove straight to downtown to meet my uncle in his house.

I knocked and in the moment, there she was. Lucy opened my door. What a beautiful surprise.

'Oh, hello Lucy, how nice to see you.'

'Nice to see you to, Mark. Please, come in, mister Houterr is expecting you.'

And I came in.

'Mark, welcome.' Said my uncle.

He was really rich man, he owned family undertaking company. He was not that old, only 42 years. He was younger than my mother. He had never had kids or wife. But he always took care of me and Joshua.

'It is nice to see, that you are okay. I has been worried about you.' I said.

'Yeah, never worry about me again Mark. I was just arranging some family business.'

'Well, which family business?' I asked him curiously.

'It is long story, so please, have a seat.'

And then, he told me everything. How my mother died, why did she die and all those witch stuff.

'But uncle, why have you been waiting so long to tell me all of this?'

'You wasn't old enough to understand it.'

'And does it means, that if I wasn't be seeing my mother, you would never tell me all of this?'

Gosh, I was not supposed to say that. Hell to the no. My mum told me not to say it to anyone and I just did.

'What? You are seeing your mother?'

'Yes, but I shouldn't tell you that. She can not know that.'

'Oh, my dear, I think she already knows.'

And there she was. As always in the old dark bloody dress, my mother just appeared in front of me.

'This was examination of your trustworthiness and you failed son.' She said disappointedly.

'Mum sorry, I didn't want to say it.'

'But you did. I can not trust you anymore. We, can not trust him anymore, can we Le Roy?'

'Of course we can trust him, Kendra. And if not, I am sure The Exam is going to show it to us.'

'What? Which Exam?' I asked confusedly.

'The Exam, my son.' Said my mother.

'For getting The Blood, you will have to travel to Boheiam's capital, Prague. There, in a old underground, you will have to find The Path. A lot of snares are waiting for you there. On the end of The Path are old white witches. To show them, that you are the right one, you will have to answer their question. If your answer will be correct, they will give you The Blood. The Blood of first witch's older son. And as soon as you are going to drink it, your soul will die and you will be able to kill those five warlocks. If you will fail, white witches will turn you to one of them and you will have to guard The Blood to the end of times with them. I have been searching for the entrance to The Path for a week and I finally found it yesterday. But you know, I am not supposed to absolve it. But here is the address of the entrance.'

And my uncle gave me a piece of a paper with an address.

'In The Path, you can not trust anyone. They say, that you will hear unreal voices and see things, which do not exist. But it is safety place, believe me. If you will see fire or something like it, it isn't exactly burning, it is just illusion. Witches made The Path for drive off normal humans, but nothing bad can arise to witch or witch's descend here. And as your uncle said, in the end, they will ask you one question. Please, think about it really hard.'

Wow, lot of informations for me. I do not want to die.

'Do I have to go there necessarily?' I asked fearfully.

'If you want me back...' Said my mother.

'Of course I want.'

'Well then, hurry up. Now you know everything you need to know. We can't help you anymore. The private plane is waiting for on the airport. Good bye and break a leg. Now you can leave.' Said my uncle.

'Goodbye son, good luck. I hope, this is not last time, we see you.' Said mother.

'Okey then, goodbye.' I said and I was going to door.

Lucía was standing here.

'Mark, you may not trust me, because of all I know. But when witches will ask you the question, think about me. It is going to help you find the answer. I can't lose you.'

After this she quickly left. I even haven't time to ask her, what does she know about this and mainly, how does she know about this.

So I just left and drove to the airport. The plane was waiting here for me there. I got in and after one hour I fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night.

'Thirty minutes are remaining to the landing, sir.' Said stewardess.

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