The Legend

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'Hey Mark! Bro, wake up.'

Ugh, another Monday morning. I hate Mondays but, well, who does not.

Joshua took my blanket away from me. He always do this to me. Morning by morning, month by month, year by year. It is so nice to have a brother like him. I maybe do not have parents, but although my life does not suck that much.

Living with my brother is good, totally better than living with foreign people in dormitory. Our uncle is paying us our apartment. He was always taking care of us. I hope he is ok. He is something like father for me.

The funny thing about me and Joshua is, that we look exactly alike. We have been changing roles a lot. For example when I need to go to work, but in the same time I have to be in university on some lecture, Joshua goes there instead of me.

There is only one thing, that is different about us. Joshua wears glasses. And he is actually way more smarter than me. But you know, I am the prettier one and he is the smarter one. And also, Josh is homosexual. But whatever, orientation is not important to me.

After having a shower and breakfast we hit the road to school. We just picked Braddy up, that is Joshua's boyfriend. I dunno, how much serious things are between them, but anyway I want my brother to be happy. And he looks, he is, really happy with Braddy.

Today, it was really strange day in the university. Out history lecturer talked about witches from Salem.

'Before more than thousand years in Salem, white witch was born. She had two sons, twins. They looked exactly alike. Both were really powerful. When they were 22 yeard old, five dark warlocks came and took younger brother away. And they used The Spell to change him to embodiment of pure evil. He was really cruel, but he had one problem. He couldn't have kids. So after his death all his bloodline died. The second brother lived happy long live. But The Legend says, that if there will be another twins in witch family, history will be repeated. But this time, evil twin will be able to have children. And with those children will come destruction of human population. But you know, all these things are only some scary stories for kids.' Laughed our teacher.

Well, it doesn't sound like some fake stories to me. But I hope, that The Legend is not about me and Joshua. That would be really bad. But not that surprising. Anyway my mother is some kind of witch - ghost, or whatever.

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