Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Tick tock, Tick Tock.

I bit my lip as I stared up at the clock on top of the bookshelf behind the mahogany desk.

8:00 am.

It had been five minutes since I got to Dr. Rivers office.

After having breakfast and a brief tour courtesy of Marissa, I made my way to my first appointment with my new therapist, Karen Rivers, to whom I shall address as Dr. Rivers.

I was thankful for Marissa who had personally dropped me off at Dr. Rivers door five minutes early before skipping off to her health session.

And that’s why I sat here.. fidgeting nervously, already knowing the turn of events that laid ahead.

Something like this:

Good Morning Camilla, how are you finding Saint Jude’s?

No reply.

I’m Dr. Rivers, and I’ll be assisting you for the time being.

No reply.

Know whatever we discuss inside this room, will remain inside this room.

No reply.

My door’s always open if you need to talk.

No reply.

I sighed, already dreading this day.

Maybe coming here wasn’t such a good idea. Maybe I’m hopeless.

‘Oh, Hello there!’ My inner turmoil was interrupted by a soft feminine voice.

I lifted my eyes and met a pair of brown curious eyes belonging to a brown haired woman in her middle thirties.

‘I’m Dr, Rivers.’ She introduced herself, extending her hand towards mine in greeting.

I extended my hand, shaking hers hesitantly. ‘I see you’ve made yourself comfortable’ Dr. Rivers inquired letting go of my hand and sitting in the chair behind the mahogany desk. ‘And you’re just in time..’ She trailed off checking her wrist watch. ‘A rare trait in teenagers these days.’ She added with a smile.

The corner of my mouth raised involuntarily.

Up to now, this place had managed to overshadow all my expectations.

Here I was thinking I would be kept in a dark room, with white walls and a ward keeping watch of my every move; or stuck with a former delinquent as a roommate who would outspokenly hate me for intruding her space.

That had been the complete opposite.

And now, when I had expected a prying old woman as a therapist, showing arrogance and pride probably thinking her mayor in psychology made her wiser than everybody else.. I had been once again surprised.

For Dr. Rivers showed nothing but joy and humor.. and for that, I was contempt.

I released a shaky breath when Dr. Rivers continued talking, giving no signs of getting to the matter in hand for what I had been brought into Saint Jude’s.

After twenty minutes of listening intently to Dr. Rivers talking about her teenage years of recklessness and ‘stupidity’ as she had personally mentioned it, I felt a slight change in the mood.

‘I believe we all have our own ways of dwelling with loss.’ Dr. Rivers said staring intently into my eyes.

No sign of pity, but understanding in her gaze.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2014 ⏰

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