Chapter One

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Chapter One

 I felt the smoke entering my system; burning my lungs and leaving me breathless.

I know I should be fighting it.

After all, it’s in our nature as human beings.

 The impulse of survival.

But somehow, after witnessing it all, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

So I laid there; letting it overtake me, as I slowly drifted into darkness.

‘Mila!’ My aunts voice woke me from my sleep.

I rubbed my eyes, sitting straight in the passenger seat of her Volvo, as the images of my nightmare slowly evaporated into nothingness.

It’s been two months, three weeks and four days since..that.

 It’s been two months, three weeks and four days since I started having the same nightmare, night after night; and it doesn’t feel like its going away any time soon.

I rose my eyes as I stared outside of the passenger window at the four story castle like home.

From the tall glass windows, to the dark brick walls and the mystical gargoyles that were distributed along the rooftop.

Any other day I would find this place fascinating. But not today.

Not when I knew what this place really was.. and the reason why I was here.

‘Come on.’ My aunt Elizabeth said stepping out of the car.

I saw her walk around the car; her blonde hair up in a messy ponytail exhibiting her blue eyes.  Tired blue eyes that had once carried life and mischievousness, but were now only a reminder of the tragedy that had fallen upon us two months ago.

The same eyes, same face she had once shared with my mother.

I sighed, pushing away those thoughts off my mind.

She was gone.. and there’s nothing I can do to take that back.

‘Mila!’ I raised my head just as my aunt motioned me to get out of the car.

I adjusted my blue worn out Yankees hat over my long brown hair, making sure it covered my brown sad eyes, before taking my backpack and stepping out of the car.

I made my way slowly towards my aunt, and just then noticed she wasn’t alone.

‘Mila’ I heard her soft voice say. The same voice that had once belonged to someone else. The same voice that had once promised would never leave me.. but was now gone. ‘This is Mrs. O’Connor. She’s the Director here at Saint Jude’s.’

I raised my eyes, staring at the woman in front of me.

She was old.. around sixty or more, with white hair, green eyes and a warm smile.

If it weren’t for the few wrinkles and white hair, I would be impressed. She looked extremely healthy for her age.

‘Hello Camilla, welcome to Saint Jude’s.’ The lady, Mrs. O’ Connor said with a warm smile.

I really wanted to say something.. or at least smile back.

 But I couldn’t.

I haven’t been able to say a word since that day… and that’s perhaps the main reason why I’m here, at Saint Jude’s, Rehabilitation Center for the Youth.

I managed a nod, and could spot the slight worry in her eyes before returning my gaze to the floor.

‘We’ll get her settled in her new room. You can call her on Tuesdays, and visit on Sundays.’ I heard Mrs. O’ Connor’s voice say to whom I assume was my aunt. ‘Don’t worry. She’s in good hands.’

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