My Past Comes Back

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Willow my eldest is coming home from school soon. Peeta is cooking dinner. I'm currently on the couch feeling sorry for myself. The worst part of pregnancy is feeling the child moving inside of me. I don't know why I agreed to have another one. Willow walks through the door. "Hi mommy! Guess what happened in school today!" Says my six year old daughter.
"What?" I ask getting up to meet her.
"A real soldier from the rebellion came to talk with us today." Says Willow brightly.
Peeta stops to listen. "Oh really? Who?" I ask.
"Soldier Gale Hawthorne. Did you know him?" Asks Willow.
I stop, Peeta turns around. "He's here?" I ask not knowing how to feel.
"Yes. Is there a problem?" Willow says confused.
"No" Says Peeta. "Dinner will be ready soon, why don't you go wash up." He says walking over to me.
Willow goes upstairs. I'm hyperventilating. Peeta sits me on the couch. "It's okay." He says softly.
I'm not really listening. I haven't seen Gale since the end of the rebellion. My mom came to my wedding and she came to see Willow when she was born. But I never heard from my friend anymore. The boy that called me catnip,the boy  that I got whipped to save never communicated with me. And now we are in the same district. He had met my daughter. There is a knock at the door. I gasp. Peeta jumps up to get the door. When he opens it my heart falters at what I see. Gale steps through our door. "Gale?" I manage to say.
Gale smiles sadly. "Hey Catnip." He says.
I get up and walk to Peeta's side. Gale stairs at my stomach. "Another one on the way?" He asks.
"Yes" Peeta answers for me.
"Congratulations.Willow is beautiful. She looks just like you except for the eyes." Gale says to me.
I nod. "Thank you." Peeta says.
"I'm sorry I haven't been to visit you Katniss. Your mom told me you head gotten married and it shattered me. No offense Peeta. I didn't trust myself to come here and not break down. But I heard that Willow was starting school and I had already started teaching about the rebellion so I decided it was time. I'm sorry." Says Gale.
His eyes hold an apology within them. Willow comes down the stairs. "Soldier Hawthorne! What are you doing here?" She exclaims.
Peeta turns toward her. "We'll tell you in a bit okay honey?" He says.
"Okay" says Willow.
"I'm going to go but I will be back." Says Gale.
He leaves. Haymitch comes through the door a second later. "Was that Gale?"
He asks me surprised.
I nod. "Haymitch!" Yells Willow running to him.
"Hey Sweetheart." He says.
Ever since I told Haymiych I was pregnant with Willow he has stoped drinking. Peeta announces the food is ready. But I'm not hungry, I go upstairs and cry without feeling.

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