Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Leaving so soon?" my mother asks when I find her inside. Dean and I were almost about to give up the hunt for her until we found her on our way out. 

"Yeah, i'm going to go show him around for a little bit. I'll be back later." I lie. My mother reaches out to give me a hug and is careful to not spill her glass of wine. "Oh if you must." she says before looking at Dean and addressing him. "It was nice to meet you, Dean. I hate we didn't get a chance to speak."

Dean smiles at her and I envision them two having a great relationship. I picture Dean and I in the future as a couple coming over here for Sunday dinner's and the two of them chatting on and on about their favorite novels. I got my love of literature from here so I know without a doubt the two of them could be best of friends.

"I will." Dean says, looking over at me with a smile. It's a soft smile, the kind that warms my heart and makes it melt. I snatch Dean's hands before anyone else has the chance to stop us and I lead us out of the house. Dean unlocks his car and opens the door for me, I thank him as I slide in. When he slides into his seat, he looks over at me with a wild grin. "So, where to?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't have a specific place in mind. I just said that to her so she would stop asking questions."

Dean smile turns into a smirk and I feel the pit of my stomach start to turn. "What's that look for?" I ask even though i'm pretty sure I know what it means.

"Nothing. Just sit back and enjoy the ride."

Dean drives us to a hotel farther down the beach. When he puts the car in park, I peer out the window and ask, "What are we doing here?"

"I have a room here. I figured we could use some privacy since you don't want to be seen." he says. Dean has a room here? Dean has a room here...

I open my door and follow behind him inside. My excitement starts to take hold of me and I feel my legs become wobbly like jello. My teeth start to chatter and he looks at me from inside the elevator. "Cold?" he asks.

"Nervous." I reply.

He chuckles and the elevator arrives at his floor. I feel like vomiting and wonder if i'm going to be able to do this. I know what's coming and there's no one else I want this with more than Dean, but i'm just so nervous.

I stand behind him as he unlocks the door and he pushes it open while allowing me to step in first. The room is a pretty standard hotel room. There's a bathroom, small kitchen area, one tv, and two beds. I walk straight by it all and to the balcony for fresh air, I know that will help me. I unlock the door and slide it open and my face is instantly greeted with the beachy breeze and smell of salty air. I relish in it and find peace. The beach has always been a comforting place for me. 

I hear Dean behind me and the sound of the sliding door closing. He walks to stand beside me and leans on the rail with his elbows. We stare at the dark ocean silently, absorbing in the tranquility of this moment. The only source of light is coming from the moon as it casts a beautiful shadow on the small space it occupies.

"You know," Dean says quietly, breaking the silence. "I didn't bring you here for that. I brought you here because I know you're uncomfortable with us being out in public. If you're uncomfortable here, then we can leave." 

I soak in his words and take a deep breath. I know what he's saying is true. There's not an ounce in my bones that believes otherwise and that's one thing I like about him. He makes me feel comfortable. Dean makes me feel all sorts of ways i'm not used to feeling and it's so refreshing. Everything is new and exciting with him and it feels like the way it should, or so i've heard.

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