Part 2 - Chapter Fifty-Two

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It's quite common... 1 in 4 experience it... I am so very sorry...

I hear it all from my spot on the bed in the hospital room as Dr. Martin explains what I already know. That I lost the baby. I feel numb, too sad to listen to him talk and understand what he is saying. I just keep looking at the door instead.

Dr. Martin places a comforting hand on my shoulder before walking out of the room and leaving Dean and I alone. Dean sits silently in his chair for a moment as his hand strokes his chin. I continue to stare at the door. Neither of know what to say or do next. 

Dean stands up to put an arm around me but I shoot off the bed, wanting to be alone. "Don't touch me," I say.


"No, Dean. Take me home. I want to go home."

"We have to pick up your medicine first--"

"I want to go home!" I scream, tears begin to fall down my face.

"Okay, okay, we'll go home," Dean says.

I don't wait for him as I storm out of the room and through the halls of the hospital. Dean calls after me and runs to catch up behind me but I beat him to the elevator and go down without him. Screw riding home with him, I need fresh air.

I hurry out of the elevator and out of the hospital once I make it to the bottom floor and do my best to hurry so Dean doesn't have the chance to catch up to me. 

The warmth from the sun meets my skin and the fresh air hits me with an overwhelming, relaxing force. I walk as far away from the hospital as I can and down the streets of downtown. I don't hear Dean's voice call after me.

I walk for what feels like hours and I turn my phone off the fifth time Dean calls me. On my walk I stop at a coffeeshop to order a latte and continue back on the streets before finding a bench to rest. It's dark by the time I get back to Dean's apartment and he's waiting on me in the living room when I open the door. The mess of this morning still evident on the floor. Even the blood.

Dean shoots off the couch when I walk in and he storms to me in the kitchen. "Where the hell did you go? Why did you leave me like that, what were you thinking?"

I look at the large pool of blood and then back to him. "I'm only here to get my stuff." I walk by him and the mess that's a legit painful memory. Dean follows behind me.

"That's it? We aren't going to talk about what's happened?"

"What is there to talk about?" I yell, gathering my purse and a few clothes from the ground. "There's no more baby and as far as i'm concerned, there's no more us." Dean looks taken aback. "I'm not even sure there was an us to begin with," I end as I storm by him to the kitchen.

Dean stops me by pulling on my arm and I spin around to him fast. 

"I swear to God, Dean, don't fucking touch me right now."

"You're upset and I get it. I'm just as upset about this too, Claire. But we need to talk about it."

"No we don't! Don't you get it? There is no more baby. You said it yourself last night, we aren't even dating and you aren't in love with me. All we had connecting us was this baby and now that's gone." I pause, trying to not cry. "This was a mistake, Dean. You were my professor. We almost ruined our lives by how careless we were and now we have a chance to make sure that doesn't happen again."

I take another step to the door and he stops me once more.


"Stop. Do you want me to say it out loud? That all this was was a fuck partnership that turning into a mistake? Because that's what it was, Dean. Wether we want to admit it or not."

Dean says nothing. I adjust the straps on my purse and force myself to say the words i'm about to say. It's almost as painful as what happened earlier.

"Don't call me anymore. We aren't good for each other and looking back, I don't think we ever were." 

I leave it at that and fly out of the apartment before I breakdown even more.

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