December 26th

14 0 1

Ravi was turned to face the bikers, sat upon a stool at the bar. They were all clad in leather jackets and black jeans, and were holding whiskey glasses and beer bottles, part of their Christmas celebrations. What a bunch of fucking losers, Ravi thought.

"The old man has lead us for too long, and he has lead us into ruin." Ravi began, and saw some of the bikers nodding in agreement. "The peace agreements with the Wombats, the Skinks - that's not who we are. They stole our trade routes, they killed our men, and they even took the old man's wife away from him - cut her fucking head off and dumped her in a river, while she was pregnant. And yet he chooses to sit, and he chooses to let them boss us around. He lets the police fuck up our place every few weeks. Well, I say no more!"

The bikers cheered for Ravi. He liked that.

"And what do you propose we do?" Mark, Anna's uncle and her dad's closest adviser piped up. "He made those peace agreements to protect Anna, to protect us. He lets the police in here to do the same. The other gangs will just attack us and make us put him back if we make him leave. You can't do shit, Ravi. You can't run this club."

"I can run this club just fine. And back to the old man, I say we kill him, then." Ravi said, smirking. "And all of his friends."

The bikers cheered. Mark didn't.

"Starting with you." Ravi looked him dead in the eye. Mark's eyes went wide with shock. "You can't do that."

"I can." Ravi said, scratching his fist. "And I will. I'm sorry Mark, but this has to be done. You'll just warn him." Mark started to step backwards, toward the exit of the club. He ran out of the doors. "Get him, lads."

The bikers suddenly ran out of the doors, and Ravi heard the sounds of kicking and punching and screams. When they came back in, Mark's lifeless body was draped over someone's shoulder. 

"You want us to put him with the rest?" said the man holding it. He was bald and muscular and tall, and his fists were bloody. They called him The Bear.

"Put him down. Middle of the room. Everyone, gather round it. I want you to stay right you where you are when the old man comes here."

Ravi called Anna's dad.

"Sir," Ravi began, making his voice crack. "There's... a problem at the clubhouse. You have to come... quick."

Ravi, are you okay?  he heard the voice on the phone say. He ended the call.

The old man didn't live very far away, and never went home, but tonight he'd decided to spend the night with Anna, for Christmas. It took him five minutes to get there.

When he burst through the doors, he was panting, and his eyes were wide with panic. When he saw his dead brother on the floor, his eyes turned to sadness. "Sir," Ravi ran to him. "I... we found him like this. We... we didn't know what to do. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," he replied. "You did the right thing. We'll find who did this, and we'll pay him back a thousand times worse. I won't let them get away with this. Do you think it was someone in this club? It had to have been."

"Yeah," Ravi nodded. "It was all of us." 

The old man was shocked, and turned backwards, after hearing The Bear and some other men block the exit. Ravi took his switchblade out of his pocket and slipped it between the old man's ribs while he was unsuspecting. He did it again, and again, and again, all over his stomach, all over his chest. Anna's father fell to the ground, hitting the doors after the guards had moved away, coughing and sputtering, spraying red hot blood all over the place.

"Ravi..." He croaked, staring Ravi into the eyes, reaching out to grab him. He could barely move.

"I'm sorry it had to end up like this." Ravi said. "You were like a father to me, you know? But we can't continue down this road. The road that you've lead us down. It's time for a change. You couldn't be left alive, or else the other gangs would just kill everyone who opposed you and put you back in charge. There'd be no more of us by the end. It had to be like this, I hope you know that."

"Fuck y-" he began with the last of his strength, cut off by Ravi cutting his throat, unleashing a spray of arterial gore all over the floor. After the life had drained from his eyes, Ravi closed them. He stood. "Someone get this shit cleaned up." 

Ravi stepped off his motorcycle, and walked to Anna's door. He knocked, and knocked, until she opened the door, dressed in her pink nightgown and slippers. He began to pant.

"What the fuck do you want?" was what she greeted him with.

"Anna, this is serious." Ravi wheezed. "They... the club... they killed them." 

"Killed who?" she asked.

"Your uncle..." he began, beginning to cry. "And your dad."

She paused. "What... what happened?" A single tear ran down her cheek.

"They killed them both. They said they wanted new leadership. To... to kill all those who opposed getting rid of them."

She turned away from him, weeping. 

"I... I tried to save him."

"No, you didn't." she said, rage filling her voice.


"You called him there." she said, turning back around. "You called him there to kill him. You did, didn't you?"

"No. Anna, you know me... we grew up together. He was like a second father to me. You know that!" He lurched after her.

"I don't know anything about you." she said, stepping backwards. "You're not the same kid I grew up with."

"Anna, please," he reached out to touch her, but she slapped his hand away, and suddenly she was slapping at his face. He grabbed her, and pushed her back into the house, through her corridor. She pushed him away into the living room to his left, and he hit a couch.

"Let me explain!" he shouted. Instead, she came back into the room with a knife. "Get the fuck out of my house, you sack of shit."

"Anna, I didn't..."

She lunged at him with the knife, but he grabbed her arm, and pushed it away from him. He was much stronger and taller than her. She didn't give up, though, and Ravi was forced to punch her across the face. She hit the floor with a thud.

"You know what, I did." he said, walking towards her, and picking her up by the shoulders. He slammed her against the wall. "And we're going to do good things now. Things your dad couldn't do." He punched her, knocking her out.

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