Chapter 4: No Encounter

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Levi's POV:
"Levi, Hanji says you've been stressed and carrying a lot on your mind. I'm understanding that you and her want things kept secret so I won't pry. However, mental stability is something all soldiers must develop. I'm saying this for you own good, Levi. Take some time off. A little vacation ought to let you come to terms with yourself," Erwin said. I twitched as he leaned forward, chin resting on his hands.

"Is that an order?" I asked. Erwin hesitated before letting out a sigh. He combed the fringe of his hair with his calloused fingers as his gaze narrowed onto my expressionless figure.

"Yes," he mused. "It is an order, Levi. Spend the next three days wisely and come to a medium with yourself. You are dismissed." I stood up and saluted before leaving Erwin's office. I trekked back to my room, the sound of leather boots on hard cement being the only echo in the silent halls. The cadets would be awake soon and we would set foot into the inner walls by noon. It seemed surreal what I would do. I knew Erwin didn't want it to be an order, however he knew my stubbornness best. Even I admit, I probably wouldn't take any time off if he hadn't ordered it.

Many of the younger cadets traveled to their families who waited with wide eyes, tears interwoven in their lashes. However, some of the others lingered about. Those who lacked the paternal bond stayed behind. For those like Mikasa, Armin, or Eren, they would spend the day in the barracks under supervision of the older veteran soldiers like Miche or Hanji.

It was a warm day out, however a strong breeze kept the sun's heat at bay. It wasn't long before we reached the inner districts of Wall Rose. Beyond that, my home.

It's strange living above ground like this, to own a home that I can keep forever as long as I desire without fearing I'll lose it. Erwin made sure I can external accommodations when he dragged me in so that I wouldn't have to return to the Underground. It's almost fantasy.

My home that lies behind Wall Rose is empty and plastered with moss and sun beaten grime, a pitiful state. I sighed before tethering my steed to a stable along the side of the building. I grabbed cleaning supplies I brought with me and tied the cloth around my head.

Time to fuck up this filthy place.

Oh yeah, you're a dirty stain...

Mmm, you really think I'll let you blemish my floors, dust?

...Oh, yes, I love the feeling of your soothing nozzle in my fingers, Windex...

By the time night raised its gaze on the world, I finally restored the house to a pristine shine from every window to the spaces between the wood and tiles painting the floor in a rich mahogany color.

Beautiful, almost like Ere—

Shit. I dropped the bottle of cleaner on the shelf before falling to the ground, my back shearing the side of the cupboard. Why the hell can't I stop thinking about him?

I needed to take a shower. Maybe it'd help get my mind off things.

I made it to the bathroom and tossed my casual night clothes on a shelf before stripping down.

I let he cold water run its course down my back. I felt numb to its frozen claws raking my skin. It was all because of him and who he is.

Who is Eren to me?

He's supposed to be a soldier, a monster, a teenager, a boy who had a dream that I needed to protect and guide him to fulfillment. So why? Why do I keep seeing him in my mind? Why does his voice ring in my ears?

His presence is like the sun when it rises after a storm. It beats down with warm rays like Eren's smile. It kisses the world gentle and soft like Eren's hair.

"You're crazy, Levi," I muttered out loud. "You're crazy and a goddamn loveless fool for falling for Eren Yeager."

"Hah, I guess Eren Yeager is falling for you, too."

I whirled around only to see Eren leaning into my doorway.

This was shorter than the other chapters but I honestly didn't really know what to put lol. #WritersBlockFTW I do have to the day I love that picture of Levi xD

Um, I know there wasn't much content wise but next chapter will he the last and trust me when I say there will be a ton of stuff going on.

Until then, peace!

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