Chapter 14: Movie Night

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{ Jordan's POV }

Bee looked beautiful.

As I drove her to the movies she looked super sick.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Great." She smiled at me.

We talked about random stuff on the way to the movies.

When we got to the movies, I picked the movie.  The movie I picked a movie called "The Gray"

Bee didn't mind that I picked the movie, she actually asked me to pick it.  During the movie she slowly fell asleep on my shoulder.  I'm not sure if she was just tired or she just got bored of the movie but it didn't matter.  Bee looked adorable when she slept.

When the movie ended, I had to wake Bee up. I felt bad for waking her up, she looked so peaceful.

"Hey babe, wake up. It's over now." I whispered to her.

She slowly opened her eyes and she smiled at me.  She then suddenly kissed me with her soft lips.  I kissed her back.

"What was that for?" I smiled.

"Just because I love you." She smiled back at me.

She got up and we headed back to the car again.

{ Bee's POV }

As Jordan and I was watching the movie I felt so light headed.  I felt really bad for sleeping on Jordan but there isn't much food in my body at the moment.

Jordan woke me up when the movie was over.  When I saw him, it made me realize that Jordan came to Australia to see me.  Who drops everything in their life to fly across the country to see a girl?

My. Amazing. Boyfriend.

When Jordan took me home I fell asleep again in the car.  I was seriously was just so dizzy.

I suddenly woke up from  the moonlight coming through my window.  I looked around to realize I was in my bed. Did Jordan just carry me in the house and put me in my bed?

As I got up my stomach felt so full.  I had to empty my stomach immediately before I gain weight.

I heard the tv playing from downstairs.  I quietly walked out the door to see the tv playing a movie.  Jordan must be watching a movie downstairs. I quietly tip-toe into the bathroom. I put towels underneath me so I don't get vomit all over the place. I start throwing up until I hear Jordan yelling my name.

"Bee! Are you okay!?" Jordan yelled

"I'm alright." I respond.

"I'm coming in to help you okay?"

I looked at my shirt. There was vomit all over it.  I quickly take off my shirt and threw it into my laundry basket.  Jordan slowly opens the door.

"Are you sick?" Jordan said

I didn't respond.  I felt like crying. I was either in relieved that Jordan didn't catch me or because I don't know why I keep doing this to myself.  Jordan knelt down to the floor with me and washed my face with a damp cloth.  I was extremely embarrassed.  This is Jordan's first time seeing me with a bra on. He's going to see my body. Those words made me cringe.  He helped me up and walked me to his room.

He layed me on his bed and he passed me one of his over sized sweatshirt.

"Thanks." I say

"No problem, let me go get you some medicine."

 As Jordan left I saw Jordan's phone lighting up with notifications.  I knew it's not good to sneak through people's stuff but it was bothering me.  I unlocked the phone to see text messages from Dul.




I'm really sorry Dul.  I'm sorry I broke your heart.  But I love Bee and nothing can change that. Sorry. :(

Dul: I'm so done with you Jordan. Good bye.

I didn't want to read anymore because I knew Jordan truly did love me.  I heard Jordan coming back so I quickly put his phone back.  He handed me a cup of medicine, it was night quilt. I wasn't even sick but I had to take it cause I'm not going to tell Jordan that I was throwing up for no reason.  I took the medicine and Jordan gave me a glass of water to wash it down.

"Sleep ok?" Jordan commanded me.

He slowly walked out of the room until I stopped him.

"Jordan?" I ask him.


"Can you sleep with me tonight?"


Before I knew it Jordan and I slowly fell asleep together.


Hey!!! Long chapter.  I'm super proud of this chapter. But I don't know... Feedback?

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Personal Twitter : @Annieohhannie

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