♠ 17 - A Bomb Went Off ♠

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•Avianna's POV•

I woke up and felt Xander behind me, I rubbed my eyes and sat up from the bed. I stretched my arms and yawned, looking at Xander.

Who knew this guy could be such a handful?!

"Ow! Why the fuck is my head hammering?!" He yelled as he woke up.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." I teased.

"What are you doing in my bed?" He asked, his hand trying to massage his head.

"Last night, you were drunk." I told him.

"And?" He asked.

"You were super drunk. You thought you could fly, you tried to kiss an outlet." I informed him.

"At least it's not as bad as last time." He said, shrugging.

"Wait! That wasn't bad?" I asked. "I hate to be around when you're worst." I imagined that he'd be in his underwear, pretending to be superman.

"Anyway," I shook the image out of my head. "thank you for keeping me up all night when I could've pigged out and dreamed of tigers, candy, chocolate and food!"

"Your welcome!" He smiled. "Now get me an Advil!"

I rolled my eyes and went into his bathroom and got the bottle of Advil. I then entered his room and handed him the bottle.

"Can you take them out?" He asked. I growled and took out two tablets and handed him them.

"And some water." He said, not taking the tablets.

"You know you're not disabled! You have working arms and legs!" I reminded him, tapping his head.

Soft hair.

Not now!

"Yeah, but my head hurts." He whined. I smiled sweetly and threw the bottle of Advil at him which hit him in the head.

"Ow!" He winced in pain, placing his hand over the spot where the bottle hit him.

"Did I say anything?" He asked after a couple of seconds.

"Unfortunately...yes." I answered.

"What?" He urged.






"Never mind." He groaned, got up from the bed, and walked away.

"Okay! If you say so!" I told him and skipped out of the room. A horrid smell hit my nostrils and I gagged.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and went into the kitchen. Meats, vegetables, ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard were out of the fridge and gave off a horrible smell.

Note to self: lock the fridge whenever Blake is drunk.

"Avi!" Blake called. I frowned and went into his room.

"Yes." I answered as I entered his room. He was on the floor, his dirty laundry beneath him and he was covered his ketchup, mustard and mayo.

"Can you explain this?" He asked, pointing to himself.

"How about I show you?" I told him. "In the kitchen."

"I think I'm good. I'll see when I'm over this hangover." He told him and jumped on his bed.

"Just letting you know, I'm not cleaning that mess, neither is Selena."

"Yeah, whatever." He brushed off and buried his head in his pillow.

I shook my head and exited his room.

"WHY AM I A MONSTER?!" I heard Leo cry.

I think Selena has got this.


On second thought, I should help her out.

I quickly ran to Leo's room, his door was opened. He was on the floor, a laptop in his hands. He was studying the laptop as if his life depended on it. He didn't even acknowledged that I was in the room.

"Leo, hunny. What's wrong?" I asked him and patted his head.

"Tiger, he ran away from me!" He cried and hugged my legs.

"Leo, Tiger is outside. He had to use the bathroom." I told him, he immediately stopped hugging my legs and scrambled to his feet and ran outside.

Where is Selena?

"Selena?" I called. I entered the living room and saw Selena unconscious on the floor. I quickly ran to her and began shaking her.

"Selena!" I yelled.

"AVIANNA!" Leo shouted. In a blink of an eye, a bomb went off, bursting the wall and sending me flying back.

I groaned rolling on my back, I felt a warm liquid run down the side of my head. Dust and smoke filled the air like a thick fog, making it impossible to see anything, my eyes burned and I felt faint.

I looked towards the light that shone through dust and saw outlines of three persons, two of them looked like huge men and the middle one looked more feminine.

"Avianna Dallas." the lady addressed me. The dust and smoked had cleared up, but my vision was blurred.

I felt a tiny pinch on my upper right arm and my head felt as if someone smashed my head with a sledgehammer. I grabbed my head in pain and screamed. Then everything went black.





I finally had some time on my hands so I decided, why not write a chapter for you guys.

I hope you enjoyed that chapter. How was it? Was it short? Did it make you think 'WTF just happened?'

Comment what you think is going on and if you have an idea what will happen next.

I'm still busy tho, and school is hectic, so I don't know when I'll be free again.

Oh well...

Don't forget to vote and leave a comment expressing your craziness/thoughts/opinions.

Bye. Love ya Weirdos!!! 💜

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